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Auteur Joe Hill

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They Killed John Henry

They Killed John Henry
Midnight at the Movies

It seems likely that this song is about the struggle of the American laborer and the working class in industrialized society.

"Well, when John Henry died, he lay lookin' at the sun
He said 'Lord, take me now my work is done', Lord, Lord
'Lord, take me now my work is done'"

John Henry is a folk hero who is famous for his race against a steam-powered hammer, in which he raced a machine with his hammer to see who could dig a tunnel faster. While he won the race, he died of exhaustion immediately after. John Henry is often used as a symbol for the role of humans in industrialized/mechanized society. He is likely used here to symbolize the degraded worth of a human worker in a machine-based society.

"Yeah, and Joe Hill, he'd work any job he could find, boy
He'd rake your leaves and pick your vine, Lord, Lord
Rake your leaves and pick your vine
Yeah and they... (continuer)
Well, when John Henry died he lay lookin' at the sun
envoyé par Dq82 7/2/2021 - 11:33
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Hold the Fort

Hold the Fort
Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel: Philip Bliss (1838 - 1876)

This song, written to the music of an 1870 gospel by Philip Bliss, is included in the Little Red Songbook of the Industrial Workers of the World as an »English Transport Workers' Strike Song«. Until proven otherwise, the author of the lyrics remains unknown, although in another songbook published in 1940 by the Swedish Syndicalistic Youth League and titled »Frihetssånger« (Freedom Songs), the song is credited to Joe Hill, which, however, I'm inclined to consider a homage to Swedish-born Joel Hägglund) rather than a fact.
We meet today in Freedom's cause,
envoyé par Juha Rämö 24/5/2019 - 15:01
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Ta-Ra-Ra Boom-De-Ay

Ta-Ra-Ra Boom-De-Ay
Con questa seconda canzone il "Tratturo Zero” va ancora oltre la dimensione territoriale internazionalista di “This land is your land" assumendone anche una politico sociale.
Si tratta qui di cantare a proposito delle prime lotte contadine, sotto forma di sabotaggi, per la conquista di una paga e un orario più dignitosi. Il riferimento e "Ta ra ra boom de ay" del sindacalista anarchico e folk singer Joe Hill. E’ qui adattata in dialetto romanesco per conservarne l‘originale ironia che più incisivamente si può esprimere con i dialetti, soprattutto quando si narrano storie cosi popolari e tragiche come il sabotaggio.
La versione originale dei 1891 è attribuita a Henry J. Sayers, invece l‘elaborazione di Joe Hill fu pubblicata per la prima volta, nel marzo del 1916, nel ”Joe Hill Memorial Edition of the industrial Worker - Little Red Songbook”.
Il testo è fondamentale per comprendere questa... (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 31/10/2018 - 19:58

November Nineteenth

November Nineteenth
Versi di John E. Nordquist, cantautore e militante dell'IWW (Industrial Workers of the World), di origini svedesi, come lo stesso Joe Hill cui la canzone è dedicata, a pochi mesi dal suo assassinio.
Sull'aria de The Red Flag
They've shot Joe Hill, his life has fled
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 18/11/2017 - 17:08
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Bob Dylan: Subterranean Homesick Blues

Bob Dylan: Subterranean Homesick Blues
Parole e musica di Bob Dylan
Singolo poi contenuto nell’album “Bringing It All Back Home”

“Non c’è bisogno di ascoltare le previsioni del tempo per sapere da che parte soffia il vento”, un verso celeberrimo che, nonostante l’apparente nichilismo del brano, all’epoca venne preso in prestito addirittura dal gruppo armato rivoluzionario, la “Weather Underground Organization”(WUO), meglio conosciuta per l’appunto come “Weatherman”, nata nel 1969 nell’Università del Michigan all’interno del movimento “Students for a Democratic Society” (SDS)

Nella canzone chiari i riferimenti a Jack Keruac (il racconto del 1958 intitolato The Subterraneans e a Chuck Berry (con la sua Too Much Monkey Business). Su moltissimi siti si riferisce anche di una relazione tra alcuni versi di “Subterranean Homesick Blues” con il testo della canzone Takin' It Easy di Woody Guthrie, ma francamente né nel testo... (continuer)
Johnny's in the basement
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 5/9/2017 - 14:32
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Talking Union

Talking Union
Scritta da Millard Lampell, Lee Hays e Pete Seeger
La canzone che dà il titolo all’album uscito nel luglio del 1941 e dedicato alla memoria di Joe Hill
Testo trovato sul solito Mudcat Café
Successivamente interpretata anche dal solo Pete Seeger, con l’attualizzazione dell’ultimo verso della penultima strofa: “You're unpatriotic, Moscow Agents, bomb throwers, even the kids”
Now, if you want higher wages let me tell you what to do
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 23/8/2017 - 13:30

(From the Falklands to the Balkans) I've Fought in Every War

(From the Falklands to the Balkans) I've Fought in Every War
In margine.

Curioso lo pseudonimo che Beck si è scelto per questo brano, "H. Haglund". Hägglund era il vero cognome di Joe Hill, e quella "H." chissà che non stia, appunto, per "Hill"...
L'Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo 24/1/2017 - 23:01
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It's A Long Way Down To The Soupline

It's A Long Way Down To The Soupline
From the 1977 album »Joe Hillin lauluja« (Joe Hill Songs) by Turun Ylioppilasteatteri (Turku Student Theatre).
envoyé par Juha Rämö 28/5/2015 - 09:04
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Where the Fraser River Flows

Where the Fraser River Flows
envoyé par Juha Rämö 27/5/2015 - 14:25
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We Will Sing One Song

We Will Sing One Song
From the 1977 album »Joe Hillin lauluja« (Joe Hill Songs) by Turun Ylioppilasteatteri (Turku Student Theatre).

Audio link to the song performed by Paleface & Laulava Unioni (the Singing Union) on their 2019 album Tie vapauteen (Road to Freedom):

envoyé par Juha Rämö 27/5/2015 - 14:19
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Ta-Ra-Ra Boom-De-Ay

Ta-Ra-Ra Boom-De-Ay
envoyé par Juha Rämö 25/5/2015 - 10:29
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Should I ever be a Soldier

Should I ever be a Soldier
envoyé par Juha Rämö 25/5/2015 - 10:25
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We Will Sing One Song

We Will Sing One Song
envoyé par Juha Rämö 24/5/2015 - 13:33

John Golden and the Lawrence Strike

John Golden and the Lawrence Strike
envoyé par Juha Rämö 24/5/2015 - 13:29
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It's A Long Way Down To The Soupline

It's A Long Way Down To The Soupline
Traduzione svedese / Swedish translation / Svensk översättning: Jacob Branting
envoyé par Juha Rämö 20/5/2015 - 16:43

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