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Auteur Don Henderson

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I’m an Australian – 20 Years Old

I’m an Australian – 20 Years Old
The song "I'm an Australian – 20 Years Old" also featured in The Vietnam Songbook, although no recording from the time has been found yet. The song took a comedic approach to a 21 year old caught-up in major court case for resisting the draft. It started out with the man going down to the barracks, lighting a cigarette, and his "call-up papers accidently caught on fire". Misinterpreted as a deliberate act, the "C.N.D. embraced me" - a reference to the protest group the Committee for Nuclear Disarmament, while the other side "called me a traitor".

Vietnam War Song Project
I am an Australian. I am twenty years old,
14/11/2021 - 15:37

It's On

It's On
Incisa da Gary Shearston e da Trevor Lucas

On this single, featured the anti-war song "It's On" (CBS # BA-221124), composed by Don Henderson, who wrote many Vietnam War-related songs, discussed below.

While the Vietnam conflict was well underway in 1964, very few Australians participated until the Menzies government upgraded its commitment in April 1965 - so this is more of a Vietnam-era protest song, not specifically mentioning the conflict, but a representation of the early 60s anti-war movement in Australia. The lyrics revolved around the absurdity of conflict as two people get into a fight: "reason and logic are gone, winning the fight won't prove that you're right". The final verse criticised governments / politicians that "save on education and spend on defence".

Melbourne artist Trevor Lucas also recorded a version, on his 1966 album Overlander, and Raymond Crooke, on his YouTube channel.

Vietnam War Song Project (#12)
A sad story you'll hear if you listen to me
10/11/2021 - 23:44


Album "One Out"
Testo trovato su UnionSong e presente in "The Vietnam Songbook", realizzato da Barbara Dane and Irwin Silber e pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1969.

La canzone racconta di quando nel 1967 i portuali di Sidney si rifiutarono di stivare sulla nave Boonaroo un carico d'armi dirette in Vietnam, dove dal 1965 combattevano anche gli australiani... 30 anni prima, all'inizio della seconda guerra mondiale, i loro colleghi di Port Kembla si erano rifiutati di caricare combustibile fossile (The Pig-Iron Song) su di una nave diretta alla volta del Giappone...
Oh, who will man the Boonaroo?
envoyé par Alessandro 30/9/2009 - 10:04

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