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Auteur Jim Lesses

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Stand and Defend

Stand and Defend
Jim's Note: This song was partly sparked by several scenes in the Michael Moore documentary, Fahrenheit 9/11. In one particularly telling sequence, Michael Moore and a US soldier who had fought during Gulf War II were standing in front of the US Congress building trying to get congressmen to enlist their children in the armed forces so they could go and fight in Iraq as well. Needless to say, everyone he approached thought he was completely crazy - hence the sentiments expressed in the second verse.
We hate what you've done to this country,
envoyé par Jim Lesses 27/12/2004 - 12:29
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No Blood For Oil

No Blood For Oil
"This is Jim Lesses, in Adelaide, Australia. I see you have the lyrics to my song, No Blood For Oil, on your website. I see too, that you do not have biographical information about me on your site, so I am including a short biography below.

Your site would be a lot more useful if you could provide links to the websites of some of the songwriters represented on your site, and where available, links to MP3s of the songs.

For instance, my web address is:
You burn the truth at midnight; The flames light up the sky.
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi

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