Taylor throws a barb at Desert Storm hero, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, in the new song ''Slap Leather,'' an uncharacteristic rockabilly tune. ''Stormin` Norman, I just love a parade,'' Taylor sings with a touch of sarcasm, adding that some Americans felt they were fighting just for a ''Big Mac falafel and a side of fries.''
''I guess some people just wanted to feel better about being an American,'' says Taylor. ''But I remember Bush`s pronouncement that the specter of Vietnam was forever buried in the desert sands of the Persian peninsula. I mean, give me a break. This guy also won Vietnam for us now? It was such a political thing and our reaction to it was so overly simplistic.
''Our reaction really was `Big Mac falafel.` That`s the way we saw it. The whole thing was a cartoon, and a line drawing at that. I don`t know. I don`t want to insult people who have a... (continuer)
Take all the money that we need for school (continuer)
7/12/2020 - 20:18
Questa e molti altri contributi degli ultimi giorni sono stati trovati grazie a questo canale youtube, con una raccolta di ccg degli anni 80, 90, 2000, 2010 completissima e con delle perle semisconosciute
''Native Son,'' is an anti-war tune written in support of Vietnam veterans. ''They`ve been abandoned and ignored because they reminded the country of something they didn`t want to associate with,'' Taylor says.
Lyrics & music by James Vernon Taylor
Album: Before This World
“Far Afghanistan is a song about a soldier preparing to fight, which is something I basically can't stop thinking about, how these guys prepare themselves to do this impossible challenge of going to kill or be killed..”
Parole e musica di James Taylor
Scritta originariamente per il musical di Broadway “Working” di Stephen Schwartz, fu poi inclusa nell’album dell’autore intitolato “Flag” del 1979.
La versione definitiva inglese sarà però eseguita e interpretata da James Taylor. Restiamo in attesa.
The definitive English version of the song is being prepared and will be performed by James Taylor. We are still waiting.
La version anglaise définitive est en cours de préparation et sera interprétée par James Taylor. Nous restons dans l.
Il titolo della canzone e una parte del ritornello sono in lingua Zulu. La traduzione inglese so trova tra parentesi quadre.
The title and a part of the refrain are in Zulu. An English translation is provided in square brackets.
Le titre de la version et une partie du refrain sont en langue zouloue. La traduction anglaise est donnée entre parenthèses carrées.
Ballata tradizionale irlandese (ca. 1690)
Irish traditional folk-ballad (ab. 1690)
Versione americana: tradizionale XVIII secolo
American version: traditional, 18th century
Johnny Has Gone For A Soldier, nota anche col titolo gaelico “proprio” di Siúil a ruin e con quello in grafia anglicizzata di Shule Aroon (o, in alcune versioni americane, Shule Agrah) trae le sue origini più antiche dalla Battaglia del Boyne, combattuta il 1° luglio 1690 presso Drogheda, in Irlanda.
“La battaglia del Boyne (1 luglio 1690) fu lo scontro decisivo della guerra guglielmita d'Irlanda. Giacomo II Stuart era sbarcato nel marzo dell'anno precedente nella cattolica Irlanda nel tentativo di farne la base di partenza per la riconquista del regno d'Inghilterra. Sostenuto da una forza di spedizione francese al comando del duca di Lauzun e dei suoi sostenitori (detti giacobiti) raccolse attorno a se un numerosissimo... (continuer)
Taylor throws a barb at Desert Storm hero, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, in the new song ''Slap Leather,'' an uncharacteristic rockabilly tune. ''Stormin` Norman, I just love a parade,'' Taylor sings with a touch of sarcasm, adding that some Americans felt they were fighting just for a ''Big Mac falafel and a side of fries.''
''I guess some people just wanted to feel better about being an American,'' says Taylor. ''But I remember Bush`s pronouncement that the specter of Vietnam was forever buried in the desert sands of the Persian peninsula. I mean, give me a break. This guy also won Vietnam for us now? It was such a political thing and our reaction to it was so overly simplistic.
''Our reaction really was `Big Mac falafel.` That`s the way we saw it. The whole thing was a cartoon, and a line drawing at that. I don`t know. I don`t want to insult people who have a... (continuer)