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Auteur Icons of Filth

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Onward Christian Soldiers

Onward Christian Soldiers
I don’t mind slaving all my life
envoyé par daniela -k.d.- 26/7/2007 - 19:03
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Show Us You Care

Show Us You Care

The Animal Liberation movement would like to thank Andrew Sewell (aka Stig) who sadly passed away in October 2004. Stig was the vocalist for a anarcho-peace punk band from England called Icons of Filth. From the early 80's up until the time of his death he wrote songs condemning the injustices committed by humanity and he sang many songs protesting the killing of animals.

His lyrics and words came straight from the heart. Icons of Filth did many benefit shows for the animal liberation front, hunt sabs to many other organizations.

Thank you Stig for fighting so passionately and never giving up. You are truly going to be missed. We will continue to fight to make your dreams reality. We'll never give up until the last blade is snapped from the vivisectors lab!

I'm over here in the cage
envoyé par daniela -k.d.- 26/7/2007 - 14:37
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The Animal Liberation movement would like to thank Andrew Sewell (aka Stig) who sadly passed away in October 2004. Stig was the vocalist for a anarcho-peace punk band from England called Icons of Filth. From the early 80's up until the time of his death he wrote songs condemning the injustices committed by humanity and he sang many songs protesting the killing of animals.

His lyrics and words came straight from the heart. Icons of Filth did many benefit shows for the animal liberation front, hunt sabs to many other organizations.

Thank you Stig for fighting so passionately and never giving up. You are truly going to be missed. We will continue to fight to make your dreams reality. We'll never give up until the last blade is snapped from the vivisectors lab!
I am the man in the white coat
envoyé par daniela -k.d.- 26/7/2007 - 14:33

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