Бухенвальдский набат
Люди мира, на минуту встаньте!
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 21/1/2007 - 22:55
21 gennaio 2007
Il testo russo traslitterato in caratteri latini:
(Romanized Russian lyrics):
(Romanized Russian lyrics):
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 22/1/2007 - 11:48
Finnish translation by Heimo Anttiroiko
Suomennos Heimo Anttiroiko
Suomennos Heimo Anttiroiko
envoyé par Juha Rämö 5/3/2015 - 19:45
2002-ben „Hangok Buchenwaldból” (Stimmen aus Buchenwald) címmel antológia jelent meg Göttingenben a buchenwaldi koncentrációs tábort megjártak visszaemlékezéseiből. A kötet 161 írást tartalmaz ismert és ismeretlen szerzőktől. Németországban több recenzió is megjelent a könyvről, amelyekben Primo Levivel, Elie Wiesellel és Kertész Imrével együtt, az ismert szerzők közt sorolják fel a szombathelyi születésű Eugén Heimlert is.
Buchenwaldi riadó
envoyé par Boreč 29/10/2021 - 02:40
We've forgotten these aware words
What's common between this quinquagenarian song and Bundestag speech of Daniel Granin ?
Both awed the audience, both were unheard by the rulers. Litterateur Granin described his childhood in the city blocked by nazy troops during WWII. 20 months of courage and high moral in the siege. Russian historian received a standing ovation from the German Parliament, tears in their eyes. Because they learned the truth from the other side for the first time.
Although the song about their fathers was translatеd into many languages for its sincerity.
Now it should be re-sung
What's common between this quinquagenarian song and Bundestag speech of Daniel Granin ?
Both awed the audience, both were unheard by the rulers. Litterateur Granin described his childhood in the city blocked by nazy troops during WWII. 20 months of courage and high moral in the siege. Russian historian received a standing ovation from the German Parliament, tears in their eyes. Because they learned the truth from the other side for the first time.
Although the song about their fathers was translatеd into many languages for its sincerity.
Now it should be re-sung
Bert Mariёn 9/5/2024 - 23:39
Гимн Международного Союза Студентов
Гимн Международного союза студентов
envoyé par Борец(╹◡╹) 9/7/2021 - 02:52
envoyé par Борец(╹◡╹) 29/7/2021 - 08:01
The text of Hymn IUS in armenian was originally published in the soviet pioniri songbook of the Armenian SSR
Ուսանողների միջազգային միության հիմն
envoyé par Boreč 4/9/2021 - 05:41
Title: Starptautiskās studentu savienības himna
Japanese title: 国際学生連盟の歌
English title: Anthem of International Union of Students (Anthem of IUS)
Original: Гимн Международного союза студентов
Country: Latvia
Language: Latvian
Composer: V. Muradeli (ვ.მურადელი)
Lyricist: A. Krūklis (А. Круклис)
Conductor: Gailis Daumants (Гайлис Даумантс)
Performer: Student United Mixed Choir (Studentu apvienotais jauktais koris)
Ensemble: Student united ensemble (Studentu apvienotais pūšaminstruments)
Year written: ????
Year recorded: 1981-07-05
Record source: http://www.diva.lv/audio/gaudeamus-vii...
International anti-war song
Latvian communist song
Soviet friendship song
Video; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ca2fJG_ZrQ
Japanese title: 国際学生連盟の歌
English title: Anthem of International Union of Students (Anthem of IUS)
Original: Гимн Международного союза студентов
Country: Latvia
Language: Latvian
Composer: V. Muradeli (ვ.მურადელი)
Lyricist: A. Krūklis (А. Круклис)
Conductor: Gailis Daumants (Гайлис Даумантс)
Performer: Student United Mixed Choir (Studentu apvienotais jauktais koris)
Ensemble: Student united ensemble (Studentu apvienotais pūšaminstruments)
Year written: ????
Year recorded: 1981-07-05
Record source: http://www.diva.lv/audio/gaudeamus-vii...
International anti-war song
Latvian communist song
Soviet friendship song
Video; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ca2fJG_ZrQ
Starptautiskās studentu savienības himna
envoyé par Boreč 10/10/2022 - 15:38
Title: Бејнәлхалг тәләбәләр иттифагынын һимни
Japanese title: 国際学生連盟の歌
Original: Гимн Международного Союза студентов
Country: Azerbaijan
Language: Azerbaijani
Composer: Vano Muradeli (ვანო მურადელი)
Lyricist: K. Fəzli (К. Фәзли)
Songbook source: Sovet gənclərinin mahnıları [Notlar]: fortepianonun müşayiətilə xor və tək oxuyan üçün mahnılar / [red. M. Əhmədov]
Japanese title: 国際学生連盟の歌
Original: Гимн Международного Союза студентов
Country: Azerbaijan
Language: Azerbaijani
Composer: Vano Muradeli (ვანო მურადელი)
Lyricist: K. Fəzli (К. Фәзли)
Songbook source: Sovet gənclərinin mahnıları [Notlar]: fortepianonun müşayiətilə xor və tək oxuyan üçün mahnılar / [red. M. Əhmədov]
Бејнәлхалг тәләбәләр иттифагынын һимни
envoyé par Boreč 10/10/2022 - 15:40
Versione lituana / Lithuanian version
Title: Tarptautinės studentų sąjungos himnas
Japanese title: 国際学生連盟の歌
Original: Гимн Международного союза студентов
Country: World
Language: Lithuanian
Composer: Vano Muradeli (ვანო მურადელი)
Lyricist: ????
Soloist: Rimantas Siparis
Choir&Orchestra: Lithuanian Radio Vocal Ensemble (Lietuvos Radijo Vokalinis Ansamblis)
Year written: ????
Year recorded: 1957
Record source: Darbo Daina / Tarptautinės Studentų Sąjungos Himnas
International anti-war song
Lithuanian anti-war song
Title: Tarptautinės studentų sąjungos himnas
Japanese title: 国際学生連盟の歌
Original: Гимн Международного союза студентов
Country: World
Language: Lithuanian
Composer: Vano Muradeli (ვანო მურადელი)
Lyricist: ????
Soloist: Rimantas Siparis
Choir&Orchestra: Lithuanian Radio Vocal Ensemble (Lietuvos Radijo Vokalinis Ansamblis)
Year written: ????
Year recorded: 1957
Record source: Darbo Daina / Tarptautinės Studentų Sąjungos Himnas
International anti-war song
Lithuanian anti-war song
Boreč 10/10/2022 - 15:42
Medzinárodný zväz študentstva (MZS) je celosvetové nestranické združenie národných zástupcov študentských organizácií. Podľa vlastných vyhlásení zastrešuje okolo 150 členských zoskupení z viac ako 115 krajín sveta, preto sa považuje za najväčšiu nestranícku študentskú organizáciu na medzinárodnej úrovni. MZS je členom UNESCO a má poradný status v ECOSOC. Primárnym cieľom MZS je hájiť práva a záujmy študentov, presadzovať zlepšenie úrovne vzdelania, usilovať sa o jednotu študentského hnutia všetkých krajín sveta a aktívne sa podieľať v boji proti kolonializmu, rasizmu aj za mier a priateľstvo medzi národmi. Jeho najvyšším orgánom je Kongres, ktorý volí Výkonný výbor a Sekretariát.
Podľa výpisu z obchodného registra mala táto medzinárodná mimovládna organizácia svoju ústredňu v Prahe, vo svojej budove Medzinárodného zväzu študentstva v Parížskej ulici, a to až do roku 2014. Z Československa... (continuer)
Podľa výpisu z obchodného registra mala táto medzinárodná mimovládna organizácia svoju ústredňu v Prahe, vo svojej budove Medzinárodného zväzu študentstva v Parížskej ulici, a to až do roku 2014. Z Československa... (continuer)
Hymna medzinárodného zväzu študentstva (continuer)
envoyé par Boreč 23/6/2023 - 02:52
Compositore: Vano Muradeli (ვანო მურადელი)
Testo: Lev Oshanin (ლევ ოშანინი)
Traduttori: Murman Lebaniże (მურმან ლებანიძე), V.Pataraias (ვ.პატარაიას)
Fonte: Canzoni della Pace 1956 (გედნიერების სიმღერები 1956)
Testo: Lev Oshanin (ლევ ოშანინი)
Traduttori: Murman Lebaniże (მურმან ლებანიძე), V.Pataraias (ვ.პატარაიას)
Fonte: Canzoni della Pace 1956 (გედნიერების სიმღერები 1956)
სტუდენტთა საერთაშორისო კავშირის ჰიმნი (continuer)
envoyé par Boreč 2/9/2023 - 02:24
- Confronter avec l'originale
- Confronter avec une autre version
- Chercher Vidéo sur YouTube
- Chansons reliées
Музыка: В. Мурадели - Слова: А. Соболев
Music: Vano Muradeli - Lyrics: A. Sobolev
Musica: Vano Muradeli - Testo: A. Sobolev
Una famosissima canzone lirica composta da Vano Muradeli su testo del poeta A. Sobolev, che ricorda la liberazione del lager di Buchenwald (1945). Per una curiosa coincidenza, il compositore Muradeli, georgiano di nascita, era nato a Gori, notissima per essere la città natale di Stalin.
Entstanden zum Gedenken an die Befreiung des Konzentrationslages Buchenwald.