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Auteur Buck Tradission

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Boots on the Grass

Boots on the Grass
After the imperialist invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, some groups of peace activists set up grim reminders of their toll. In Long Beach, California, pairs of boots were put out once a week with names on them to remember soldiers who had been killed for the empire. In Santa Monica, crosses were stuck in the sand. If only these displays were enough to stop the bloodletting. No, it will take the replacement of the predatory, ruinous capitalist system, through mass struggle.
Row after row, can they convey (continuer)
envoyé par Larry Moore 27/6/2023 - 02:29

Chicken Hawks

This song is dedicated to lawmakers, pundits and others who cheer on wars that they don't have to fight in.
They laid low when called to muster, (continuer)
envoyé par Larry Moore 7/6/2023 - 16:49

Old Vainglory

Old Vainglory
The apartment mentioned in the first line was across the street from the adult school where Larry Moore was a teacher of English As A Second Language.
A flag was hanging in the window,
envoyé par Larry Moore 31/5/2023 - 04:48

Patriot Hat

Patriot Hat
That old saying, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel," keeps getting proven every day.
Hey ain’t that a sight there, sittin’ on your head? (continuer)
envoyé par Larry Moore 17/5/2023 - 04:56

Hitler of the Month

We've seen it again and again. When the imperialist powers decide on which nation to invade next, the propaganda machine goes into action, with the inevitable comparison of the target country's leader to Hitler. Of course, getting their hands on the nation's resources is not the goal; the intervention is "humanitarian" with every excuse in the book thrown at us.
You don’t need storm troops, you don’t need an iron fist, (continuer)
envoyé par Larry Moore 8/5/2023 - 15:36


On the 40th anniversary of the double war crime of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a group of Japanese A-bomb survivors (known in Japanese as Hibakusha) toured Southern California to talk of their experiences. This song was written to honor them.
I did not experience the horror that you tell;
envoyé par Larry Moore 5/5/2023 - 21:29

War Is the Answer!

This is a musing upon a bumper sticker that used to be seen around the time of the Iraq invasion: WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER. Maybe not for the working class, but for the various ruling elites . . .


Buck Tradission and Buck de Bo$$es have written and performed topical songs since the 1980s.


Some say, “War is not the answer,
envoyé par Larry Moore 5/5/2023 - 21:12

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