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Auteur Judy Small

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Bridget Evans

Bridget Evans
The Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp Songbook

Ladies and Gems

Lyrics and music by Judy Small
Testo e musica di Judy Small

Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp was a peace camp established to protest at nuclear weapon being sited at RAF Greenham Common in Berkshire, England. The camp began in September 1981 after a Welsh group called "Women for Life on Earth" arrived at Greenham to protest against the decision of the Government to allow cruise missiles to be based there.

On 1 April 1983, tens of thousands of protestors formed a 14 mile human chain from Greenham to the Aldermaston nuclear power station and the ordnance factory at Burghfield.

On 4 April 1984, the women were evicted from the Common by Newbury District Council. However by nightfall the women all returned to reform the camp.

The last missiles left the camp in 1991 but the camp remained in place until 2000 after protestors... (continuer)
There's a woman in Great Britain, Bridget Evans is her name
envoyé par Dq82 2/5/2023 - 11:58

Walls and Windows

Walls and Windows
Album “Same Rain”
Cantata insieme a Judy Small
Did you sing your children lullabies to calm their fears at night?
envoyé par Bartleby 22/12/2010 - 10:11

The Revolution's Here

The Revolution's Here
Album "Snapshot"
Testo trovato su MySongBook
As long as the mushroom clouds don't rise
envoyé par The Lone Ranger 12/5/2010 - 12:45

Montreal, December '89

Montreal, December '89
Album “A Retrospective, Never Turning Back” (1998) e “Judy Small: Live at The Artery” (2007)
Testo trovato su MySongBook

Il 6 dicembre 1989 a Montreal, Canada, un uomo di 25 anni, tal Marc Lépine, fece irruzione nella sezione femminile del Politecnico e, urlando imprecazioni contro le donne e le femministe, cominciò a sparare all’impazzata con un fucile semi-automatico uccidendo 14 studentesse prima di togliersi la vita… L’autore del massacro era un uomo disturbato perchè suo padre, un uomo autoritario e violento, oltre a maltrattare la madre, aveva pure ripetutamente abusato Marc e la sorella quando erano piccoli. Forse Marc riteneva di essere stato abbandonato, che sua madre lo avesse lasciato in balìa di quel mostro… fatto sta che il suo disordine psicotico era sfociato in una violenta misoginia e nell’odio verso le donne emancipate… Nella rivendicazione che gli fu trovata in tasca,... (continuer)
It was a cold December afternoon, the line stretched round the block
envoyé par Alessandro 28/4/2010 - 15:04

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