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Auteur War on Women

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This Stolen Land

This Stolen Land
Album: Wonderful Hell
This land is your land. This land is my land
9/10/2021 - 22:56


Capture The Flag

The tune captures a dark moment in US history. It deals with three enslaved black women Anarcha, Lucy, and Betsey who were experimented on by James Marion Sims. Sims is commonly referred to as the founding father of modern gynecology. The video juxtaposes footage of the band performing with flashes of images related to Sims and the enslaved women he violated.

Front women Shawna Potter made the following statement about her motives for composing the tune and making the video: “This song is about all the stories our country has buried or ignored. I wanted to memorialize Anarcha, Lucy, and Betsey in the best way I knew how, through song, and the shooting of this video just happened to coincide with tearing down a statue of J. Marion Sims, the man who experimented on them and other enslaved women.”

Daily Dose of Protest: Anarcha – War On Women

Three names in place of all the ones that weren't allowed to speak
13/2/2021 - 22:44

Say It!

Say It!
Album: War On Women

Se sono stata stuprata vuoi sapere dove stavo passeggiando? come ero vestita? se avevo bevuto?

Efficace canzone sul colpevolizzare la donna vittima di violenza. E se per caso il presunto violentatore è un carabiniere, sono le presunte vittime a essere interrogate per dodici ore!
Daddy, Daddy if I was raped would you wanna know where I walked?
26/11/2017 - 00:30

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