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Auteur Al Reyes

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Vietnam Veterano

Vietnam Veterano
Album: California Corazón (1983)

Una canzone dedicata ai chicanos, gli statunitensi di origine messicana che hanno combattuto nella guerra del Vietnam. Al pari dei neri, los chicanos sono stati mandati a morire in guerra ma hanno continuato ad essere discriminati, sia all'interno dell'esercito che nel loro paese.

An emotional musical saga, "Vietnam Veterano" portrays the feelings that Chicano communities experienced during the Vietnam War. In the song, Al Reyes, a musician and an award-winning journalist, reveals some of the tensions caused by the war; however, it is the interview excerpts (with veteran David Rodriguez) woven into the composition that illuminate the hard-to-understand feelings soldiers and protesters of the war were having. Combat soundscapes, added to the musical and narrative sections, intensify the affect of the track, complementing Reyes' plaintive vocals.

(liner notes from Rolas de Aztlán: Songs of the Chicano Movement, Smithsonian Folkways)
You found yourself on a beach in Da Nang
7/3/2017 - 22:23

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