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Auteur Captain Foam

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Will There Ever Be a Time?

Will There Ever Be a Time?
The song "Will There Ever Be a Time?" (Bold Records # 377 / 358), probably released around 1969-1971 by Captain Foam, an obscure psychedelic folk group, based in Ohio, took a general anti-war position, while referencing the My Lai massacre. Written and sung by Richard Bertram, produced by Nick Boldi, and engineered by Gary Rhamy, the song was recorded in Peppermint Productions Studios, in Youngstown, Ohio. (1) Firstly, it expressed opposition to war, counting the dead, and questioning why they had to "see them fall". The narrator accused presidents of "trying to play god". He then called for the "money that they spend to build the guns and bombs", to be redirected towards clearing the "world of hunger", which would contribute towards "peace and equality". Then onto the subject of Calley and the massacre, the narrator argued that the "guns of...My Lai" represented a "curse upon the world".... (continuer)
Will there ever be a time, a time so real...
envoyé par dq82 26/3/2015 - 18:07

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