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Canción para Vieques

Canción para Vieques
Obra Colectiva / Opera Collettiva
Autores/Autori: Tito Auger/Ricky Laureano


Silvio Rodríguez
Joan Manuel Serrat
Pablo Milanés
Mercedes Sosa

The US Navy bombing tests and military practice on the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico, has ended. On May 1,2003, citizens in Vieques celebrated the first day in over 60 years without a US Navy bombing run.

Puerto Ricans of Vieques objected to the US Navy's presence across many other ideologically divisive issues regarding the US. Until recently, the US Navy owned over two-thirds of Vieques. When the US bought this land in the 1940s, many families and farmers were forced out of their homes and off their lands to make way for military exercises, which began in 1947.

Bush announced that the Navy would leave Vieques in June 2001, and it is widely accepted that it was the success of the protest movement that led to... (continuer)
Cuenta una Isla su historia
envoyé par Adriana e Riccardo 1/2/2007 - 18:19

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