Oh this world is at a tremble with its strength and mighty power
They’re sending up to heaven to get the brimstone fire
Take warning my dear brother, be careful how you plan
You’re working with the power of God’s own holy hand
Atomic power, atomic power
Was given by the mighty hand of God
Atomic power, atomic power
It was given by the mighty hand of God
You remember two great cities in a distant foreign land
When scorched from the face of Earth their power of Japan
Be careful my dear brother, don’t take away the joy
But use it for the good of man and never to destroy
Hiroshima, Nagasaki paid a big price for their sins
When scorched from the face of Earth their battle could not win
But on that day of judgment when comes a greater power
We will not know the minute, and we’ll not know the hour.
They’re sending up to heaven to get the brimstone fire
Take warning my dear brother, be careful how you plan
You’re working with the power of God’s own holy hand
Atomic power, atomic power
Was given by the mighty hand of God
Atomic power, atomic power
It was given by the mighty hand of God
You remember two great cities in a distant foreign land
When scorched from the face of Earth their power of Japan
Be careful my dear brother, don’t take away the joy
But use it for the good of man and never to destroy
Hiroshima, Nagasaki paid a big price for their sins
When scorched from the face of Earth their battle could not win
But on that day of judgment when comes a greater power
We will not know the minute, and we’ll not know the hour.
envoyé par Alessandro - 2/10/2008 - 08:53
Eppure da questa canzone - specie se si pensa che fu scritta e proposta a pochi mesi dal genocidio di Hiroshima e Nagasaki ed ebbe un grande successo popolare - traspare chiaramente "l’angoisse populaire devant une arme menacante contre laquelle le commun des mortels ne peut rien faire d’autres que de prier. Le texte est très efficace (et très moderne) pour une chanson écrite en 1946" [da L'Homme Scalp]
ll brano fa parte della colonna sonora del celebre documentario "The Atomic Café" (1982), di Jayne Loader e Kevin e Pierce Rafferty.
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