
The Last Child in Palestine

Tony Smith
Language: English

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Tune: Greensleeves

Children in Gaza

In a few lucky western countries, when today’s elders were children, Sundays were relatively quiet. Most shops were closed so we looked forward to the sound of ‘Greensleeves’. This well known tune heralded the approach of an ice-cream van. What joy!
Unfortunately in many countries today, there is little enjoyment in being a child. The causes of this impoverishment of childhood are many and varied, but surely the horror to which the children of Palestine have been subjected is exceptional.
Instead of hearing the ice-cream van’s approach, the children of Gaza have been forced to listen to the wail of bombs, screams of the wounded and the siren of the mortuary van.
It is difficult being a child. It is sad being a parent watching powerlessly.
My partner Gene sings this one perfectly.
Whose child is this
Who lifeless lies
Held by her grieving Dad
Is she yours or is she mine
This girl
Killed in Palestine?

Can childhood long survive
The slaughter
In Palestine
If we stand by
And do not act
But let the children die?

What child survives
When the world stands by
As missiles tear them apart
And those that remain
Are starving and cold
But fail to move our hearts

The ruthless killing
In Gaza each day
Hurts children across the world
They share the trauma as
Scars in the mind
Are not by borders confined

This is the cost
That childhood itself
And innocence surely pays
Never again can we be right
Watching this slaughter
Night after night

Our own children
Know when we lie
Hypocrisy they recognise
When they see their playmates die
They know this is

Contributed by Tony Smith - 2025/2/6 - 03:18

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