Merchants of Death
Are selling war again
And shipping more munitions
To profit from the dead
Censoring the voices
Of those who want world peace
Managing the news
With militaristic tweets.
Merchants of Death
Are pulling strings again
And lobbying their Congress
To give billions to them
Funding campaigns
Hiring generals
To sit on corporate boards
And cash in on war gold.
Merchants of Death
We've all seen it before
You sold us World War I
And war in Korea
You sent troops to Vietnam
And Iraq and Serbia
And now troops sent to Poland
Not far from Russian land.
Are selling war again
And shipping more munitions
To profit from the dead
Censoring the voices
Of those who want world peace
Managing the news
With militaristic tweets.
And see all the provoked destruction
And see all the young people's blood
And see the World War threats increasing
And see how they waste public funds.
And see all the young people's blood
And see the World War threats increasing
And see how they waste public funds.
Merchants of Death
Are pulling strings again
And lobbying their Congress
To give billions to them
Funding campaigns
Hiring generals
To sit on corporate boards
And cash in on war gold.
And see all the provoked destruction
And see all the young people's blood
And see the World War threats increasing
And see how they waste public funds.
And see all the young people's blood
And see the World War threats increasing
And see how they waste public funds.
Merchants of Death
We've all seen it before
You sold us World War I
And war in Korea
You sent troops to Vietnam
And Iraq and Serbia
And now troops sent to Poland
Not far from Russian land.
And see all the provoked destruction
And see all the young people's blood
And see the World War threats increasing
And see how they waste public funds.
And see all the young people's blood
And see the World War threats increasing
And see how they waste public funds.
Contributed by Bob A. Feldman - 2022/5/31 - 03:56
Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.

Scritta da Bob A. Feldman
Written by Bob A. Feldman
Un canto contro la guerra del 2022 che protesta contro i profittatori di guerra.
An anti-war folk song from 2022 that protests against those who profit from the 21st-century of "permanent war."