
Tears of Blue, Tears of Gold

Tony Smith
Language: English

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Tears of Blue, Tears of Gold
© Tony Smith 2022

In early 2022, the world was shocked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. What else can we do but write songs in support of those suffering?
All over the world tears are being shed
In the west politicians talk tough
But as the carnage in Ukraine grows
Words are just not enough
We are saddened by the shattering of peace
And our tears flow copiously
Our tears of blue our tears of gold
Like the flag of Ukraine so bold

Peace is fragile so easily broken
By a madman with weapons to hand
Stalking people kneeling at prayers
Or invading a quiet neighbour’s land

Once more we must play a deadly game
By the rules of humanity’s foes
But in the long run truth will prevail
To stop children dying in blood

And when this war comes to an end
We’ll punish the crimes ruthlessly
And then we must completely disarm
So people won’t suffer again
We’ll be gladdened by the building of peace
And tears of joy will flow free
Tears of blue and tears of gold
Like the flag of Ukraine so bold 

Contributed by Tony Smith - 2022/3/15 - 02:28

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