Fai sautar la gàbia, criden desjà au lop
Fai sautar la gàbia, fai sautar la preison
La preison la fortalesa, utlaràn coma daus fòus
La preison la fortalesa, leu los barri’ cedaràn
Fai sautar la gàbia, fai sautar la preison
La preison la fortalesa, utlaràn coma daus fòus
La preison la fortalesa, leu los barri’ cedaràn
Contributed by Dq82 - 2021/3/24 - 16:09
Language: French
Traduzione francese da YT
Démolis la cage, ils crient déjà au loup
Démolis la cage, fais sauter la prison
La prison, la forteresse, ils hurleront comme des fous
La prison, la forteresse, bientôt les barreaux tomberont.
Démolis la cage, ils crient déjà au loup
Démolis la cage, fais sauter la prison
La prison, la forteresse, ils hurleront comme des fous
La prison, la forteresse, bientôt les barreaux tomberont.
Contributed by Dq82 - 2021/3/24 - 16:10
Language: English
Traduzione inglese da YT
Demolish the cage, they are already crying wolf
Demolish the cage, blow up the prison
The prison, the fortress, they will scream like madmen
The prison, the fortress, soon the bars will fall.
Demolish the cage, they are already crying wolf
Demolish the cage, blow up the prison
The prison, the fortress, they will scream like madmen
The prison, the fortress, soon the bars will fall.
Contributed by Dq82 - 2021/3/24 - 16:10
Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.
La grande folie (MDC/Pagans)