
Benandantes, Malandantes

Langues: frioulan, anglais


Peut vous intéresser aussi...

La farina dal Diàul
Ballo in Fa diesis minore
(Angelo Branduardi)

Musica e testi di Simon Papa e Marco Strega
dall'album Satyricon 2011


Non è stato solo Angelo Branduardi a ispirarsi all'antica danza Schiarazula Marazula nel suo Ballo in Fa diesis minore. I MaterDea sono un gruppo folk metal e hanno ripreso il testo in friulano scritto dal poeta Domenico Zannier (le parole originali sono andate perdute) affiancandoci una canzone originale in inglese che parla dei Benandanti, gli appartenenti ad un culto pagano-sciamanico contadino basato sulla fertilità della terra diffuso in Friuli intorno al XVI-XVII secolo. Vedi anche La farina dal Diàul.
Schiarazule, marazule, la piciule, si niciule
Schiarazule, marazule, la piciule, si niciule...

Schiarazule, marazule, la lusigne, la cracule,
la piciule, si niciule, di polvara si macule.
O schiarazule marazule, co la rucule e la cocule,
la fantate jè 'ne trapule, el fantat un trapolon.

Tendrils of darkness stealing shades and colours
their embrace so soothing, cool and soft.
I am dreaming of an old willow tree
and soon all my awareness washes over me.
and I’m soaring far away
towards the mouth of the night.
Suddenly I feel like I'm drawn to the open fields,
keep my mind wide open...

Clouds of smoke butterflies and hedgehogs,
come on and join with me now.
Sorghum canes are surging through the wild fog
draw them away fulfilling our vow.

My life's so simple these rough hands my dowry,
we work hard to live our lives in peace.
As the seasons flow our harvest grows ripe
and the last breath of winter brushes in the night.

But there is an ancient threat
now disturbing my dreams.
And so the good walkers rise from their sleep,
to protect their land from evil.

Clouds of smoke butterflies and hedgehogs,
come on and join with me now.
Sorghum canes are surging through
the wild fog draw them away.

Close all ranks there are no other choices
wielding a branch of fennel.
we will fight against the evil forces
let's take our chance fulfilling our vow.

In the middle of the night
we're defending our land,
famine and dangers will break down our lives
if we won't prevail and withstand.

Clouds of smoke butterflies and hedgehogs,
come on and join with me now.
Sorghum canes are surging through
the wild fog draw them away.

Close all ranks there are no other choices
wielding a branch of fennel.
we will fight against the evil forces
let's take our chance fulfilling our vow.

Schiarazule, marazule, la lusigne, la cracule,
la piciule, si niciule, di polvara si macule.
O schiarazule marazule, co la rucule e la cocule,
la fantate jè 'ne trapule, el fantat un trapolon.

envoyé par Lorenzo Masetti - 21/3/2020 - 13:53

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