
Sullen Girl

Fiona Apple
Langue: anglais

Fiona Apple

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Våldtagen med bajonett
Ma io ti amavo
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Parole e musica di Fiona Apple
Nel suo album d'esordio, "Tidal"


Non è il racconto di una rottura sentimentale, ma dell'aggressione e dello stupro che Fiona Apple subì quando aveva appena 12 anni, quando abitava con la madre ad Harlem. L'elaborazione di quel trauma fu molto difficile e Fiona Apple fu aiutata in questo dai versi della poetessa afroamericana Maya Angelou, che all'età di 8 anni fu abusata dal fidanzato della madre. (Songfacts)
Days like this, I don't know what to do with myself
All day and all night
I wander the halls along the walls
And under my breath I say to myself
"I need fuel to take flight"

And there's too much going on
But it's calm under the waves
In the blue of my oblivion
Under the waves
In the blue of my oblivion

Is that why they call me a sullen girl, sullen girl
They don't know I used to sail the deep and tranquil sea
But he washed me 'shore
And he took my pearl
And left an empty shell of me

And there's too much going on
But it's calm under the waves
In the blue of my oblivion
Under the waves
In the blue of my oblivion
Under the waves
In the blue of my oblivion
It's calm under the waves
In the blue of my oblivion

envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 1/2/2020 - 21:19

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