
Työttömän Valssi (Come Around Again Waltz)

Arthur Kylander
Langue: finnois

Arthur Kylander

Liste des versions

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Parole e musica di Arthur Kylander (1892-1968), immigrato negli States da Lieto, Finlandia, nel 1914.
Testo trovato in "Arthur Arkadius Kylander – Amerikansuomalainen kupletisti", di Juha Niemelä, 2003

Arthur Kylander fece ogni sorta di lavoro, dal bracciante al boscaiolo, al maggiordomo, all'autista, e solo dopo 30 anni di fatica e privazioni riuscì ad acquistare una fattoria, impegnandosi nella conservazione del patrimonio boschivo.
Arthur Kylander fu anche cantautore e compositore e negli anni 20 incise anche una ventina di suoi brani per l'etichetta Victor. Siccome agli inizi della sua avventura americana fu anche membro dell'IWW (Industrial Workers of The World), alcune della sue canzoni – come questa - parlano della dura vita dei lavoratori immigrati.

Trovo "Työttömän Valssi" incisa nel 1928 da Kosti Tamminen (anche nella raccolta "Proletaarit Nouskaa" del 1970) e molto più recentemente da Mikko Perkoila ("Punikin Kirjelaatikko Ja Muita Työväenlauluja", 2009).
Kun kuljin mä kulkurin lailla,
oli mullekin käynyt niin,
ett' työtä mä olin myös vailla.
Menin tehtaisiin ja kaivoksiin,
vaan kaikkiall' silloin sain kuulla vain sen:
»Come around again, yes, come around again.
Ehkä jos joskus viell' tarvitaan,
ei tiedä, vaan come around again.«

Kun nälkääkin aloin jo tuntemaan,
leipälainista lohtua hain,
vaan kaikk' oli ehditty jakamaan,
minä tyhjänä palata sain.
Ja jakaja mulle vain taas sanoi sen:
»Come around again, yes, come around again.
Taas huomenna, jos sulla nälkä on,
niin sitte sä come around again.«

Mä huonetta etsin nyt itsellein,
miss' yöt edes nukkua vois,
vaan pettyivät siinäkin toivehein,
sillä kaikk' oli vuokrattu pois.
Ja jokainen heistä taas mull' sanoi sen:
»Come around again, yes, come around again.
Jos sattuisi joku pois muuttamaan,
ei tiedä, vaan come around again.«

Myös entisen lemmityn tapasin
mä kerran näin matkallani.
Jo naimisiss' oli, siks' arvelin,
hän kotiinsa mun kutsuvi.
Taas erehdyin, sillä sain kuulla taas sen:
»Come around again, yes, come around again.
Taas joskus, kun ukkokin työssä on,
niin sitte' sä come around again.«

Mä mietin jo taivaaseen matkustaa,
ja jättää tään matoisen maan,
vaan pikkaisen vielä se peloittaa
ett' sielläkin vartoa saan,
jos Pietari portilla sanookin näin:
»Come around again, yes, come around again.
Apramin helma on täysi nyt,
vaan keväällä come around again.«

Vaikk' nälissäin kuljen, niin kuitenkin
siit' lohtua rintani saa,
kun tiedän, ett' vuorostaan herratkin
leipälainissa viel' jonottaa.
Ja silloin saan sanoa minäkin näin:
»Come around again, yes, come around again.
Hyödyllist' työtä kun ensin teet,
niin sitte' sä come around again.«

envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 11/1/2020 - 21:43

Langue: anglais

Traduzione inglese / English translation / Traduction anglaise / Englanninkielinen käännös: Juha Rämö

Audio link to the song performed by Mikko Perkoila on his 1982 album »Punikin kirjelaatikko ja muita työväenlauluja« (Mailbox Of A Pinko And Other Working Man's Songs)

Bread line

Roaming around in the way hobos do
I suddenly found myself
Unemployed like so many others.
I went to factories and mines
And all I could hear people say was
»Come around again, yes, come around again.
Maybe one day you'll be needed,
Who knows, so come around again.«

Feeling myself hungry
I sought consolation in a breadline
But everything was already gone
So I came back empty-handed
After having been told
»Come around again, yes, come around again.
If you are still hungry tomorrow
Then come around again.«

Looking for a place
To sleep in the night
I was disappointed again
As there was nothing available to rent.
Instead, everyone said to me
»Come around again, yes, come around again.
Maybe someone will move,
Who knows, so come around again.«

Meeting my former sweetheart
Once on the road
I found out she was married and thought
She would invite me over.
But once again I was mistaken and all she said was
»Come around again, yes, come around again.
One of these days when my old man is off to work
Then come around again.«

Now I'm thinking of moving to Heaven
And leaving behind this wormy earth
But I feel a bit scared
That once again I'd have to wait
In case Peter at the Pearly Gates says to me
»Come around again, yes, come around again.
Abraham's halls are full at the moment
But come around again in the spring.«

Wandering around with hungry stomach
There's one thing that comforts me.
It's the thought of big bosses
Having to join the breadline.
When that happens it's my turn to say
»Come around again, yes, come around again.
Find yourself a useful job first
And then come around again.«

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 13/1/2020 - 14:46

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