
If You Had Me in Shackles

Tom Paxton
Language: English

Tom Paxton

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Parole e musica di Tom Paxton, che non incise nè – credo - interpretò mai il brano
Faceva parte del repertorio live del Chad Mitchell Trio quando verso il 1967, o giù di lì, si chiamava ormai The Mitchell Trio, con John Denver, David Boise e Mike Kobluk.

The Mitchell Trio
If you had me in shackles on a dungeon floor
Cold iron shackles and a cast-iron door
A battalion of troopers just watching me
I'd still be free

If you had me on an island in the Spanish Main
In a Spanish fortress in a jungle of rain
A squadron of cruisers just watching me
I'd still be free

Your shackles couldn't change my mind
Couldn't make me be what you want me to
Your power couldn't make me blind
The way it's blinded you

If you had me in a tower with a marble wall
One window above me, no stairs at all
If you needed a ladder just to check on me
I'd still be free

Your shackles couldn't change my mind
Couldn't make me be what you want me to
Your power couldn't make me blind
The way it's blinded you

If you had me in shackles on a dungeon floor
Cold iron shackles and a cast-iron door
A battalion of troopers just watching me
I'd still be free
I'd still be free
I'd still be free

Contributed by Bernart Bartleby - 2019/7/21 - 22:54

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