
Varjele Jumala soasta

Language: Finnish

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Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat: Kanteletar (
Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel: trad.

The audio sample provided is the traditional melody to which all the poems of the Finnish national epic Kalevala) as well as many of those included in Kanteletar can be sung.
Varjele vakainen luoja,
Kaitse kaunoinen Jumala,
Kavioista vainovarsain,
Sorkista sotahevosten!

Varjele vakainen luoja,
Kaitse kaunoinen Jumala,
Rauan valkian varasta,
Terän tuiman tutkamesta,
Tykin suuren suun e'estä,
Rautakirnujen kiasta!

Varjele vakainen luoja,
Kaitse kaunoinen Jumala,
Suurilta sotakeoilta,
Uron tappotanterilta,
Jossa lyiy miestä lyöpi,
Tinapalli paiskoavi;
Jossa pää pahoin menevi,
Sekä kaula katkiavi,
Hivus hieno lankiavi,
Tukka turhi'in tulevi!

Contributed by Juha Rämö - 2019/4/30 - 15:39

Language: English

Traduzione inglese / English translation / Traduction anglaise / Englanninkielinen käännös: Keith Bosley

»Rune singer Timo Lipitsä«
»Rune singer Timo Lipitsä«

Keep us, steadfast Creator
and guard us, fair God
from the hoofs of battle-foals
the trotters of war-horses!

Keep us, steadfast Creator
and guard us, fair God
from white iron's hoard
the harsh blade's tip
from before the big cannon's mouth
the jaws of the iron churns!

Keep us, steadfast Creator
and guard us, fair God
from great battlefields
from a fellow's killing-grounds
where lead smites a man
the tin ball hurls him
where his head goes ill
and his neck breaks too
and his fine hair falls
his locks come to grief!

Contributed by Juha Rämö - 2019/4/30 - 15:40

Language: German

Traduzione tedesca / German translation / Traduction allemande / Saksankielinen käännös: Trudelies Hofmann

I. K. Inha: Runensänger in Uhtua, 1894
I. K. Inha: Runensänger in Uhtua, 1894

Schütze uns, erhabener Schöpfer,
Gott des Himmels, o bewahr uns
vor der Rösser Kriegsgetrabe,
vor dem Huf der Schlachtengäule!

Schütze uns, erhabener Schöpfer,
Gott des Himmels, o bewahr uns
vor dem Feuer der Haubitze,
vor der blanken Waffen Spitze,
vor der Mündung der Kanone,
vor der Eisenröhre Rachen!

Schütze uns, erhabener Schöpfer,
Gott des Himmels, o bewahr uns,
schirm uns vor dem Schlachtgetümmel,
vor der hehren Helden Walstatt,
wo den Mann das Blei durchlöchert,
wo die Kugel ihn dahinrafft,
wo sein Kopf dem Tod geweiht ist,
wo sie das Genick ihm brechen,
wo sie ihn zu Boden strecken,
wo sie kalt ihn niedermachen.

Contributed by Juha Rämö - 2019/4/30 - 15:42

Language: Italian

Versione italiana / Italian version / Version italienne / Italiankielinen versio:
Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo, 7-3-2024 20:45
Proteggi, Signore, dalla guerra

Proteggi, sublime e fermo Creatore,
Bel Dio de’ Cieli, e scàmpaci
Da’ destrieri bardati alla battaglia,
Dallo scalciar delle cavallerie!

Proteggi, sublime e fermo Creatore,
Bel Dio de’ Cieli, e scàmpaci
Dal fuoco rovente degli obici,
Dalle lùcide punte delle lance,
Dalle bocche de’ cannoni
E dalle grinfie degli archibugi!

Proteggi, sublime e fermo Creatore,
Bel Dio de’ cieli, e scàmpaci
Dal carnajo delle pugne,
Da’ fulgidi campi degli eroi
Ove l’uomo dal piombo è trapassato,
Ove il projettile lo falcia spietato,
Ove la testa alla morte è sacrificata
Ove la nuca viene schiantata,
Ove al suolo vien isteso e sdrajato,
Ove lo abbattono morto stecchito.

2024/3/7 - 20:45

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