
This Is My Land

Sofia Jannok
Language: English

Sofia Jannok

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Sanat ja sävel : Sofia Jannok
Album: ORDA - This Is my Land

"Questa è la mia terra, una terra di pace dove tutti sono uguali e tutti sono benvenuti, tranne quelli che vogliono distruggerla con grandi ferite nelle montagne". Una canzone di pace, ambientalista e di orgoglio della cantante sami Sofia Jannok.

This Is My Land

Intro: “The State is of the opinion that the claim put forward by the Sámi reindeer herding community with regards to their long tradition of being engaged in reindeer husbandry, hunting and fishing in the area is of irrelevance to the case. In order to be eligible to claim immemorial prescription, said claim has to be based on a 90 years long use of an area. Any additional use for a longer period of time is of irrelevance to the legality of the claim.” “Because of the claim that it is of importance that the Sámi have been using this area, the State is of the opinion that it is of utmost importance to define what is meant by the term Sámi, and how specific such a definition really is. This is what the following material is meant to do.”

(Excerpts from the State Attorney’s intervention during the hearing in the court case between the Sámi reindeer herding community Girjas - from whence Sofia Jannok’s grandmother came - and the Swedish State. Gällivare Lapland District Court, June, 2015.)
This is my land, this is my country
and if I'd be the queen you'd see
that I'd take everyone by hand
and sing it so it's out there
that we'll paint this land blue, yellow, red and green

If you say that this girl's not welcome in this country,
if she must leave because her face is brown
Well, then I'd say you go first
'cause frankly this is my land
and here we live in peace, I'll teach you how

This is my pride, this is my freedom,
this is the air that I breathe
and you'll find no kings, no queens,
here everybody's equal -
men, women and all who are in between

This is my home, this is my heaven,
this is the earth where I belong
and if you want to ruin it all with big wounds in the mountains
then you're not worthy of listening to this song

This is my land, this is my country,
these lakes, rivers, hills and woods
If you open up your eyes
you'll find someone is lying

I've always been here, welcome to my hoods

2019/4/14 - 22:26

Language: Finnish

Traduzione finlandese / Finnish translation / Traduction finnoise / Suomennos: Juha Rämö

»What local people?«

For centuries now, the ancient rights of the indigenous Sámi people have been subject to injustice and exploitation. One of the latest menaces is the Nordic mining boom that severely threatens the traditional Sámi way of life and especially reindeer herding.

Beowulf Mining is a UK-based exploration company planning to establish an iron mine (Kallak mine) in Jokkmokk, a municipality located in the Swedish province of Norrbotten. The plan has met resistance from the indigenous Sámi people as well as other local inhabitants. On July 1, 2013, protesters set up a road blockade in order to prevent test drilling. On July 30, the blockade was dismantled by the police, but on the next day it was set up again.

road blockade

»What local people?« was the arrogant answer to the protesters by Clive Sinclair Poulton, CEO of Beowulf Mining. Here's a video clip and the protesters' comment to it.

Tämä on minun maatani, tämä on minun maani,
ja jos olisin kuningatar, saisit nähdä,
kuinka tarttuisin kaikkia kädestä
ja laulaisin suureen ääneen,
että me maalaamme tämän maan siniseksi, keltaiseksi, punaiseksi ja vihreäksi *)

Jos sanot, ettei tämä tyttö ole tervetullut tähän maahan,
että hänen on lähdettävä, koska hänen kasvonsa ovat ruskeat,
silloin minä sanon, että sinun on lähdettävä ensin,
koska tämä on totta puhuen minun maani,
ja täällä me elämme rauhassa. Minäpä kerron, miten.

Tämä on ylpeydenaiheeni, tämä on vapauteni,
tämä on ilma, jota hengitän,
eikä täällä ole kuninkaita tai kuningattaria,
vaan kaikki ovat tasavertaisia,
miehet, naiset ja kaikki siltä väliltä.

Tämä on kotini, tämä on taivaani,
tämä on maa, jonne kuulun,
ja jos sinä haluat tuhota sen repimällä tunturit vereslihalle,
et ole tämän laulun arvoinen.

Tämä on minun maatani, tämä on minun maani,
nämä järvet, joet, tunturit ja metsät,
ja jos avaat silmäsi,
huomaat, että joku valehtelee.

Olen aina ollut täällä, joten tervetuloa kotikonnuilleni.
* ) Saamen lipun värit
Sami flag

Contributed by Juha Rämö - 2019/4/15 - 14:08

Language: Italian

Traduzione italiana / Italian translation / Traduction italienne / Italiankielinen käännös:
Riccardo Venturi, 16-04-2019 08:53

»La gente del posto chi?«

Oramai da secoli, gli antichi diritti del popolo Sámi autoctono hanno dovuto subire ingiustizie e sfruttamento. Una delle ultime minacce è il “boom” dello sfruttamento minerario nelle terre nordiche, che mette in serio pericolo il modo di vita tradizionale dei Sámi e specialmente l'allevamento delle renne.

La Beowulf Mining è una compagnia mineraria con sede nel Regno Unito, che ha progettato di installare una miniera di ferro (la miniera di Kallak) a Jokkmokk, un comune della provincia svedese del Norrbotten (Botnia Settentrionale). Il progetto ha incontrato resistenze da parte del popolo Sámi indigeno e di altri abitanti della zona. Il 1° luglio 2013 dei manifestanti hanno realizzato un blocco stradale per impedire i sondaggi di scavo. Il 30 luglio il blocco è stato rimosso dalla polizia, ma il giorno dopo è stato di nuovo messo in opera.

road blockade

“La gente del posto chi?”, è stata l'arrogante risposta data ai manifestanti da Clive Sinclair Poulton, CEO di Beowulf Mining. Qui un video e alcuni commenti dei manifestanti. [JR, tr. RV]

Questa è la mia terra, questo è il mio paese
e, se fossi la regina, vedreste
che prenderei ognuno per mano
e lo canterei a voce alta
che dipingeremo questa terra in blu, giallo, rosso e verde [1]

Se dite che questa ragazza non è la benvenuta in questo paese,
se lei deve andarsene perché ha la faccia scura
beh, allora vi direi di andarvene prima voi
perché, francamente, questa è la mia terra
e qui noi viviamo in pace, e v'insegnerò come

Questo è il mio orgoglio, questa è la mia libertà,
questa è l'aria che respiro
e non troverete né re e né regine,
qui tutti sono uguali,
uomini, donne e tutti quelli nel mezzo

Questa è la mia casa, questo è il mio paradiso,
questa è la terra alla quale appartengo
e se volete rovinarla con grandi ferite nelle montagne
allora non siete degni di ascoltare questa canzone

Questa è la mia terra, questo è il mio paese,
questi laghi, questi fiumi, queste colline, queste foreste
e se aprirete gli occhi
vi accorgerete che qualcuno sta mentendo

Sono sempre stata qui, benvenuti a casa mia!
[1] I colori della bandiera Sámi:

Sami flag

2019/4/16 - 08:54

Language: Swedish

Svensk översättning / Traduzione svedese / Swedish translation / Traduction suédoise / Ruotsinkielinen käännös:
Riccardo Venturi, 16-04-2019 09:33

road blockade

Detta är mitt land, detta är mitt hemland
och skulle jag vara drottningen, skulle ni se
att jag skulle ta alla för hand
och sjunga med hög röst
att vi ska måla detta land blått, gult, rött och grönt

Om ni säger att den här flickan inte är välkommen i detta land,
om hon måste gå därför att hennes ansikte är brunt
tja, då skulle jag säga att det är ni som först måste gå ur vägen
därför att det uppriktigt är mitt eget land
och här bor vi i fred, och jag ska lära er hur

Detta är min stolthet, detta är min frihet
detta är den luft som jag andas
och ni finner här inga kungar, inga drottningar
här är alla lika -
män, kvinnor och alla som är däremellan

Detta är mitt hem, detta är min himmel,
och detta är jorden där jag hör hemma
och om ni vill förstöra allt med stora sår i bergen
så är ni inte värda att lyssna på den här låten

Detta är mitt land, detta är mitt hemland
dessa sjöar, floder, kullar och skogar
om ni öppnar era ögon
ska ni hitta att någon ljuger

Jag har alltid varit här, välkommen till min hemort!

2019/4/16 - 09:34

Language: German

Traduzione tedesca / German translation / Traduction allemande / Deutsche Übersetzung / Saksankielinen käännös: Juha Rämö

Eine von den »offenen Wunden« in Schwedisch-Lappland
Eine von den »offenen Wunden« in Schwedisch-Lappland

Dies ist mein Land, dies ist meine Heimat,
und wenn ich Königin wäre, würdest du sehen,
wie ich jedem die Hand reiche
und aus voller Brust singe,
dass wir dieses Land blau, gelb, rot und grün *) bemalen.

Wenn du sagst, dass eine wie ich hier nicht willkommen ist,
dass sie gehen muss, weil ihr Gesicht braun ist,
dann sage ich dir, dass du am besten gehen sollst,
denn dies hier ist eigentlich mein Land,
wo wir friedlich leben und zwar so:

Dies ist mein Stolz, dies ist meine Freiheit,
dies ist die Luft, die ich atme,
und hier gibt es weder Könige noch Königinnen,
sondern alle sind gleichwertig,
Männer, Frauen und alles dazwischen.

Dies ist mein Zuhause, dies ist mein Himmel,
dies ist das Land, wo ich hingehöre,
und wenn du es zerstören willst mit offenen Wunden an Berghängen,
bist du dieses Liedes nicht würdig.

Dies ist mein Land, dies ist meine Heimat,
diese Seen, Flüsse, Berge und Wälder,
und wenn du mit offenen Augen schaust,
wirst du merken, dass da jemand lügt.

Ich war schon immer hier, willkommen in meiner Nachbarschaft.
* ) Farben der samischen Flagge

Contributed by Juha Rämö - 2019/4/17 - 13:12

Niillas Holmberg & Sara Marielle Gaup: Ellos Deatnu

Riccardo Venturi - 2019/4/17 - 15:00

The title of the above song, Ellos Deatnu (Long Live the Tana), refers to Tana River that runs 270 km along the Finnish-Norwegian border and is an important spawning ground for the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). It also refers to a long-brewing dispute over the fishing rights on Tana.

Salmon fishing on Tana has been regulated by means of Finnish-Norwegian agreements ever since 1873. The latest agreement that came into effect on May 1, 2017, was sharply criticized especially by indigenous Sámi people, because it was seen to violate their ancient usufructs of property as well as constitutional and indigenous rights.

In the summer of 2017 a group of Finnish and Norwegian Sámi activists calling themselves Ellos Deatnu! refused to acknowledge the Tana agreement, declared a moratorium on it and chose Tiirasaari, a small island on Tana River, a place where the provisions of the agreement are considered invalid. An Ellos Deatnu support concert, featuring Niillas Holmberg and many other front line artists, was arranged in Finnish Utsjoki on July 25, 2017.

Niillas Holmberg performing a joik on Tiirasaari

Juha Rämö - 2019/4/18 - 11:13

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