
Kahden laulu

Eero Ojanen
Langue: finnois

Eero Ojanen

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Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel: Eero Ojanen
Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat: Matti Rossi

Eero Ojanen
Eero Ojanen

Matti Rossi
Matti Rossi
En kuiskaa enää monin sanoin,
miten rakastan,
kun mitkään sanat
eivät riitä kuvaamaan
rakkautta, joka silmissäsi avartuu,
kun kuulet veljiemme kutsun taisteluun.

En kysy enää,
ketä ajattelet useimmin,
kun katseesi niin usein sulaa kyyneliin.
Näen jokaisessa kyyneleessä ystävän,
jonka muisto syttyy sorron hämärään.

En kerro enää,
miten yksin kulkee ihminen,
kun joka askeleella tunnen,
miten tuhannet sydämet sykähtävät
kädessäsi, jota puristan
ja huulillasi tuhat suuta aukeaa.

Niin aivan toisin käsi tänään etsii, hyväilee,
niin toisin korva kuulee rakkaat askeleet,
kun silmiesi syvyydessä näen maailman,
jonka elämää myös minä puolustan.

Eilen kuiskin monin sanoin, miten rakastan,
kun mitkään sanat eivät riitä kuvaamaan
sitä voimaa, jonka voimastasi ammennan
tiellä, joka vaatii meidät kokonaan.

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 31/8/2018 - 14:27

Langue: anglais

Traduzione inglese / English translation / Traduction anglaise / Englanninkielinen käännös: Juha Rämö

No longer will I use abundant words to whisper
how much I love
since no words are enough to describe
the love that opens up in your eyes
when you hear the battle call of our brothers.

No longer will I ask
who you think about most often
since the look of your eyes so often melts into tears.
In every tear, I see a friend
whose memory glimmers in the dark of oppression.

No longer will I say
that man is bound to travel alone
since at every step I can feel
thousands of hearts beating
in your hand pressed in mine
and on your lips a thousand mouths opening up.

Today, hands are searching, caressing much differently,
ears are hearing the beloved steps differently,
when in the depth of your eyes I see a world
whose life I'm also defending.

Yesterday, I used abundant words to whisper how much I love,
but no words are enough to describe
the strength I'm drawing from your strength
on a journey that requires all we can give.

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 31/8/2018 - 14:29

Is “Rossi” a Finnish family name, too? This confirms my idea that Finnish and Italian have a very similar syllabic structure in spite of their totally different origin. I have collected a whole list of words that are identical in Finnish and Italian, though -of course- with different meanings. “Matti Rossi” means “red lunatics” in Italian. Pieni, suora, torni, alla, palo, posti, sala, tuo, valli, vene, mela, mieli, sana, soma, veto, matto, paperi, ripa, suoni etc. are all both good Finnish and Italian words. Of course, there's no ryijy in Italian...

Riccardo Venturi - 31/8/2018 - 18:07

Indeed, Rossi is a Finnish surname, too, by far not as common as in Italy, however. According to statistics, there are 2 473 people by the name of Rossi living in Finland meaning that it ranks 335th in the list of most common names. Number one in that list is Korhonen which is the name of 22 583 people in Finland (0,41 % of the entire population).

The earliest record of the name dates back to 1640 referring to a man by the name of Ambrosius Rossi. It's presumed that the name Rossi is a dialectic adaptation of Ambrosius.

Juha Rämö - 31/8/2018 - 21:14

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