
Chemical Warfare

John Lewis Smith
Langue: anglais

Just what are the scientists up to
At the Ministry of Defence?
What are they doing at Porton (*)
That makes any kind of sense
Chemical weapons invented by fools
Produced for our good by the State.

But no one asked you and no one asked me
All the decisions are made secretly
But it’s people like you and it’s people like me
Who’ll be put to death by their insanity
When the chemical weapons are used.

They’re stockpiling phosphorus nerve gas
Produced in binary form
One milligram could be fatal
If it reaches your skin or your lungs
There’ll be vomiting, sweating and gasping for breath
And after paralysis, death.

But no one asked you and no one asked me
All the decisions are made secretly
But it’s people like you and it’s people like me
Who’ll be put to death by their insanity
When the chemical weapons are used.

They also make toxic defoliants
To spray like a poisonous rain
Supposed to deny forest cover
To guerillas in jungle terrain
But millions of gallons in Vietnam
Helped starve the young, sick and old.

But no one asked you and no one asked me
All the decisions are made secretly
But it’s people like you and it’s people like me
Who’ll be put to death by their insanity
When the chemical weapons are used.

The soldiers will wear special clothing
Protective gloves and gas masks
And bunkers can be air-conditioned
To filter out poisonous gas
The troops will have antidote pills they can take
But what will the rest of us do?

But no one asked you and no one asked me
All the decisions are made secretly
But it’s people like you and it’s people like me
Who’ll be put to death by their insanity
When the chemical weapons are used.

(*) Porton Down, Wiltshire, Inghilterra, è un villaggio dove ha sede il Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), un grande laboratorio scientifico militare dipendente dal Ministero della Difesa britannico.
I laboratori di Porton vennero inaugurati nel 1916, allora utilizzati per testare armi chimiche al cloro, al gas mostarda e al fosgene, poi usate nelle trincee della Grande Guerra.
Più recentemente, in quei laboratori vengono analizzati reperti contaminati dal Sarin utilizzato nella guerra in Siria, con l'obiettivo di progettare abbigliamento ed attrezzature che proteggano i soldati nel caso quel gas altamente letale venga utilizzato sul campo di battaglia.

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