
A Simple Desultory Philippic

Simon & Garfunkel
Language: English

Simon & Garfunkel

List of versions

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(or How I Was Robert McNamara'd into Submission)
A Simple Desultory Philippic

Pubblicata originariamente nell'album di debutto solista di Paul Simon "The Paul Simon Songbook" pubblicato solo nel Regno Unito
La versione che presentiamo per prima, perché più in tema con il nostro sito, è quella incisa (con parole aggiornate) nell'album di Simon & Garfunkel "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme"(1966).

La canzone nasce come mezza parodia mezzo omaggio allo stile del primo Bob Dylan, citato per nome ("c'era un tizio così all'antica che se gli dici Dylan pensa che stai parlando di Dylan Thomas...") e con i titoli delle sue canzoni tra cui It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding).

Nella prima strofa Simon cita la filosofa pro-capitalista Ayn Rand, il segretario alla difesa Robert McNamara, l'ambasciatore statunitense in Vietnam del Sud Maxwell Taylor e altri personaggi che sostenevano l'escalation in Vietnam ridicolizzandoli opportunamente.

fonte: Songs of the Vietnam Conflict di James E. Perone
I been Norman Mailered, Maxwell Taylored.
I been John O'Hara'd, McNamara'd.
I been Rolling Stoned and Beatled till I'm blind.
I been Ayn Randed, nearly branded
Communist, 'cause I'm left-handed.
That's the hand I use, well, never mind!

I been Phil Spectored, resurrected.
I been Lou Adlered, Barry Sadlered.
Well, I paid all the dues I want to pay.
And I learned the truth from Lenny Bruce,
And all my wealth won't buy me health,
So I smoke a pint of tea a day.

I knew a man, his brain was so small,
He couldn't think of nothing at all.
He's not the same as you and me.
He doesn't dig poetry. He's so unhip that
When you say Dylan, he thinks you're talking about Dylan Thomas,
Whoever he was.
The man ain't got no culture,
But it's alright, ma,
Everybody must get stoned.

I been Mick Jaggered, silver daggered.
Andy Warhol, won't you please come home?
I been mothered, fathered, aunt and uncled,
Been Roy Haleed and Art Garfunkeled.
I just discovered somebody's tapped my phone.

Contributed by Lorenzo Masetti - 2016/3/8 - 22:51

Language: English

La versione originale da "The Paul Simon Songbook"

I was Union Jacked, Kerouac'd
John Birched, stopped and searched
Rolling Stoned and Beatled till I'm blind
I've been Ayn Randed, nearly branded
Communist 'cos I'm lefthanded:
That's the hand they use, well, never mind!

I've been Walt Disneyed, Dis Disleyed
John Lennoned, Krishna Menoned
Walter Brennan punched out Cassius Clay
I've heard the truth from Lenny Bruce
and all my wealth won't buy me health
So I smoke a pint of tea a day

I knew a man his brain so small,
He couldn't think of nothin' at all.
He's not the same as you and me.
He doesn't dig poetry. He's so unhip that
When you say Dylan, he thinks you're talkin' about Dylan Thomas,
Whoever he is.
The man ain't got no culture,
But it's alright, Ma,
It's just sumpthin' I learned over in England.

I've been James Joyced, Rolls Royced
Mick Jaggered, silver daggered
Andy Warhol won't you please come home?
I've been mother, fathered, aunt and uncled
Tom Wilsoned, Art Garfunkled
Barry Kornfeld's mother's on the phone

When in London, do as I do
Find yourself a friendly haiku
Go to sleep for ten or fifteen years

2016/3/8 - 22:57

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