I'm standing on the outside of your shelter, lookin' in
While the bombs are here a-droppin' everywhere.
Through the glass, you look so sweet and warm and safe and cosy...
Have I ever told you that I care?
Have I ever told you that you're beautiful
And it hurts me so that we are now apart?
Well, I'm standing on the outside of your shelter, dear...
But I hope I'm on the inside of your heart!
While the bombs are here a-droppin' everywhere.
Through the glass, you look so sweet and warm and safe and cosy...
Have I ever told you that I care?
Have I ever told you that you're beautiful
And it hurts me so that we are now apart?
Well, I'm standing on the outside of your shelter, dear...
But I hope I'm on the inside of your heart!
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby - 4/2/2016 - 21:12
Parole e musica di Sheldon Allan "Shel" Silverstein (1930-1999), poeta, cantautore, fumettista e autore di libri per bambini.
Nel suo album intitolato “Inside Folk Songs”
La Guerra Fredda e le sue insidiose insidie raccontate con un umorismo molto yiddish...