
Circus '68, '69

Charlie Haden
Language: Instrumental

Charlie Haden

List of versions

Related Songs

We Shall Overcome
(Pete Seeger)
(John Zorn)
Silent Majority
(Eugene McDaniels)

Album: "Liberation Music Orchestra"

Liberation Music Orchestra
Perry Robinson — clarinet
Gato Barbieri — tenor saxophone, clarinet
Dewey Redman — alto saxophone, tenor saxophone
Don Cherry — cornet, flute, Indian wood & bamboo flutes
Michael Mantler — trumpet
Roswell Rudd — trombone
Bob Northern — French horn, hand wood blocks, crow call, bells, military whistle
Howard Johnson — tuba
Sam Brown — guitar, Tanganyikan guitar, thumb piano
Carla Bley — piano, tambourine
Charlie Haden — bass
Paul Motian — drums, percussion

The idea for "Circus '68, '69" came to me one night while watching the Democratic National Convention on television in the summer of 1968. After the minority plank on Vietnam was defeated in a vote taken on the convention floor, the California and New York delegates spontaneously began to sing We Shall Overcome in protest. Unable to gain control of the floor, the rostrum instructed the convention orchestra to drown out the singing. "You're a grand old flag" and "Happy days are here again", could then be heard trying to stifle We Shall Overcome. To me, this told the story, in music, of what was happening in our country politically. Thus, in "Circus" we divided the orchestra into two separate bands in an attempt to recreate what happened on the convention floor.

Charlie Haden
New York
May 1969
(Original Liner Notes from Liberation Music Orchestra)

2015/12/2 - 23:35

E così anche Gato Barbieri se n'è andato, era originario di Rosario in Argentina, la stessa città dove sei anni prima di lui era nato Ernesto "Che" Guevara, figura a cui ha sempre guardato come punto di riferimento culturale e politico durante gli anni della sua ricerca musicale....ricordo con particolare emozione le sue rivisitazioni di alcune canzoni di Atahualpa Yupanqui.


Flavio Poltronieri - 2016/4/4 - 18:56

2023/10/17 - 22:19

Tempus fugit, negli ultimi decenni anche lei ha composto e mescolato parecchi intrugli sonori poco attraenti ma per lungo tempo questa donna è stata un vero portento!

Flavio Poltronieri - 2023/10/18 - 10:12

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