
Angel of War

Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam
Langue: anglais

Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam

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Si trova nella prima raccolta pubblicata da Yusuf Islam (già Cat Stevens) dopo la conversione alla religione musulmana. E' un bellissimo dialogo fra l'Angelo delle Guerra e il Giovane Soldato che rivede se stesso nel nemico. La melodia ricorda molto il suo classico degli anni '70 "Lady D'Arbanville." ma in questo caso Yusuf è accompagnato solo dalle percussioni e da un coro di voci zulu.

Ancora una volta dobbiamo ringraziare la trasmissione Rataplan di Radio Due Rai per averci fatto conoscere questo pezzo.
O Angel Of War! What am I fighting for?
If death comes tomorrow
inform me before, inform me before

O Young Soldier Boy! I'll tell you what I know,
If peace is your wish,
to battle you must go, to battle you must go

O Angel Of War! Please make it clear to me,
Which is my side,
and who is my enemy? and who is my enemy?

O Young Soldier Boy! The world is open wide,
So look to wherever,
the truth is forced to hide, the truth is forced to hide

O Angel Of War! Within myself I see
Battle has started,
what will become of me? what will become of me?

O Young Soldier Boy! You're Wiser than you seem,
Look into your heart,
and keep your motives clean, and keep your motives clean

O Angel Of War! What weapons do I need?
Lest I may perish,
that I may succeed, that I may succeed

O Young Soldier Boy! If you protect the poor,
Let truth be your armour,
and justice be your sword, and justice be your sword

O Angel Of War! What makes me want to fight?
I sometimes feel hatred,
is it wrong or right? is it wrong or right?

O Young Soldier Boy! The war you wage,
If its for your ego,
it will die in rage, it will die in rage

O Angel Of War! How can I tell for sure,
Pride's not its reason
that I'm fighting for, that I'm fighting for

O Young Soldier Boy! Thats something I cant tell,
God knows you reason
and you should know as well, and you should know as well

O Angel Of War! When I look at me,
I'm fearful to confess,
the enemy I see, the enemy I see

O Young Soldier Boy! Now you can go your war,
Ill see you tomorrow,
a boy you'll be no more, a boy you'll be no more

envoyé par CCG Staff - 25/7/2014 - 00:16

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