First I thought a snake had got me it happened dreadful quick
T’was a bullet bit my leg, right off I got sick
I came to in a wagon load of ten more wounded men
Five was dead by the time we reached that bloody tent
Gimme some of that Soldier’s Joy, you know what I mean
I don’t want to hurt no more my leg is turnin’ green
The doctor came and looked at me and this is what he said
Your dancin’ days are done, son, it’s a wonder you ain’t dead
Then he went to work with a carvin’ knife sweat fell from his brow
‘Bout killed me tryin’ to save my life when he cut that lead ball out
Give me some of that Soldier’s Joy, ain’t you got no more
Hand me down my walkin’ cane I ain’t cut out for war
Red blood run right through my veins run all over the floor
Run right down his apron strings like a river out the door
He handed me a bottle and said, son drink deep as you can
He turned away then he turned right back with a hacksaw in his hand
Gimme some of that Soldier’s Joy you know what I like
Bear down on that fiddle boys just like Saturday night
Gimme some of that Soldier’s Joy you know what I crave
I’ll be hittin’ that Soldier’s Joy til I’m in my grave
We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dream
T’was a bullet bit my leg, right off I got sick
I came to in a wagon load of ten more wounded men
Five was dead by the time we reached that bloody tent
Gimme some of that Soldier’s Joy, you know what I mean
I don’t want to hurt no more my leg is turnin’ green
The doctor came and looked at me and this is what he said
Your dancin’ days are done, son, it’s a wonder you ain’t dead
Then he went to work with a carvin’ knife sweat fell from his brow
‘Bout killed me tryin’ to save my life when he cut that lead ball out
Give me some of that Soldier’s Joy, ain’t you got no more
Hand me down my walkin’ cane I ain’t cut out for war
Red blood run right through my veins run all over the floor
Run right down his apron strings like a river out the door
He handed me a bottle and said, son drink deep as you can
He turned away then he turned right back with a hacksaw in his hand
Gimme some of that Soldier’s Joy you know what I like
Bear down on that fiddle boys just like Saturday night
Gimme some of that Soldier’s Joy you know what I crave
I’ll be hittin’ that Soldier’s Joy til I’m in my grave
We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dream
envoyé par Alessandro - 13/9/2006 - 17:21
Come dall'incipit del sito dedicato "Soldier's Joy" è uno dei più antichi e conosciuti motivi musicali nel mondo anglofono. Su quell'aria, risalente al 1700 e diffusasi soprattutto durante la Guerra Civile, il primo a scrivere un testo pare fu tale JImmy Driftwood nel 1957... Ma Guy Clark, a dispetto del fatto che il motivo fosse utilizzato per spronare i soldati in battaglia e sia ancora oggi uno standard country di area conservatrice, ne dà una versione ben poco militarista e anche ben poco "joyful", considerato che parla di un soldato che muore dopo essere stato ferito e aver assistito all'amputazione della propria gamba incancrenita...
“La gioia del soldato” infatti altro non è che la morfina che, evidentemente fin dal ‘700. veniva generosamente profusa ai maciullati che sui campi di battaglia non avevano la fortuna di morire sul colpo…