आज के इस इंसान को यह क्या हो गया
इसका पुराना प्यार कहाँ पर खो गया
कैसी यह मनहूस घडी है, भाईओं में जंग छिड़ी है
कहीं पे खून कहीं पर जवाला, जाने क्या है होने वाला
सब का माथा आज झुका है, आजादी का जलूस रुका है
चरों और दगा ही दगा है, हर छुरे पर खून लगा है
आज दुखी है जनता सारी, रोते हैं लाखों नर नारी
रोते हैं आँगन गलिआरे, रोते आज मोहल्ले सारे
रोती सलमा रोती है सीता, रोते हैं कुरान और गीता
आज हिमालय चिल्लाता है, कहाँ पुराना वो नाता है
दस लिया सारे देश को जेहरी नागो ने,
घर को लगादी आग घर के चिरागों ने
अपने देश था वो देश था भाई, लाखों बार मुसीबत आई
इंसानों ने जान गवाई, पर बहनों की लाज बचाई
लेकिन अब वो बात कहाँ है, अब तो केवल घात यहाँ है
चल रहीं हैं उलटी हवाएं, कांप रहीं थर थर अबलायें
आज हर एक आँचल को है खतरा, आज हर एक घूँघट को है खतरा
खतरे में है लाज बहन की, खतरे में चूड़ीया दुल्हन की
डरती है हर पाँव की पायल, आज कहीं हो जाए ना घायल
आज सलामत कोई ना घर है, सब को लुट जाने का डर है
हमने अपने वतन को देखा, आदमी के पतन को देखा
आज तो बहनों पर भी हमला होता है,
दूर किसी कोने में मजहब रोता है
किस के सर इलज़ाम धरें हम, आज कहाँ फ़रिआद करें हम
करते हैं जो आज लड़ाई, सब के सब हैं अपने ही भाई
सब के सब हैं यहाँ अपराधी, हाय मोहोब्बत सबने भुलादी
आज बही जो खून की धारा, दोषी उसका समाज है सारा
सुनो जरा ओ सुनने वालो, आसमान पर नज़र घुमा लो
एक गगन में करोडो तारे, रहते हैं हिलमिल के सारे
कभी ना वो आपस में लड़ते, कभी ना देखा उनको झगड़ते
कभी नहीं वो छुरे चलाते, नहीं किसी का खून बहाते
लेकिन इस इंसान को देखो, धरती की संतान को देखो
कितना है यह हाय कमीना, इसने लाखों का सुख छीना
की है जो इसने आज तबाही, देगें उसकी यह मुखड़े गवाही
आपस की दुश्मनी का यह अंजाम हुआ,
दुनिया हसने लगी देश बदनाम हुआ
कैसा यह खतरे का पहर है, आज हवाओं में भी ज़हर है
कहीं भी देखो बात यही है, हाय भयानक रात यही है
मौत के साए में हर घर है, कब क्या होगा किसे खबर है
बंद है खिड़की, बंद है द्वारे, बैठे हैं सब डर के मारे
क्या होगा इन बेचारों का, क्या होगा इन लाचारों का
इनका सब कुछ खो सकता है, इनपे हमला हो सकता है
कोई रक्षक नज़र ना आता, सोआ है आकाश पे दाता
यह क्या हाल हुआ अपने संसार का,
निकल रहा है आज जनाजा प्यार का
इसका पुराना प्यार कहाँ पर खो गया
कैसी यह मनहूस घडी है, भाईओं में जंग छिड़ी है
कहीं पे खून कहीं पर जवाला, जाने क्या है होने वाला
सब का माथा आज झुका है, आजादी का जलूस रुका है
चरों और दगा ही दगा है, हर छुरे पर खून लगा है
आज दुखी है जनता सारी, रोते हैं लाखों नर नारी
रोते हैं आँगन गलिआरे, रोते आज मोहल्ले सारे
रोती सलमा रोती है सीता, रोते हैं कुरान और गीता
आज हिमालय चिल्लाता है, कहाँ पुराना वो नाता है
दस लिया सारे देश को जेहरी नागो ने,
घर को लगादी आग घर के चिरागों ने
अपने देश था वो देश था भाई, लाखों बार मुसीबत आई
इंसानों ने जान गवाई, पर बहनों की लाज बचाई
लेकिन अब वो बात कहाँ है, अब तो केवल घात यहाँ है
चल रहीं हैं उलटी हवाएं, कांप रहीं थर थर अबलायें
आज हर एक आँचल को है खतरा, आज हर एक घूँघट को है खतरा
खतरे में है लाज बहन की, खतरे में चूड़ीया दुल्हन की
डरती है हर पाँव की पायल, आज कहीं हो जाए ना घायल
आज सलामत कोई ना घर है, सब को लुट जाने का डर है
हमने अपने वतन को देखा, आदमी के पतन को देखा
आज तो बहनों पर भी हमला होता है,
दूर किसी कोने में मजहब रोता है
किस के सर इलज़ाम धरें हम, आज कहाँ फ़रिआद करें हम
करते हैं जो आज लड़ाई, सब के सब हैं अपने ही भाई
सब के सब हैं यहाँ अपराधी, हाय मोहोब्बत सबने भुलादी
आज बही जो खून की धारा, दोषी उसका समाज है सारा
सुनो जरा ओ सुनने वालो, आसमान पर नज़र घुमा लो
एक गगन में करोडो तारे, रहते हैं हिलमिल के सारे
कभी ना वो आपस में लड़ते, कभी ना देखा उनको झगड़ते
कभी नहीं वो छुरे चलाते, नहीं किसी का खून बहाते
लेकिन इस इंसान को देखो, धरती की संतान को देखो
कितना है यह हाय कमीना, इसने लाखों का सुख छीना
की है जो इसने आज तबाही, देगें उसकी यह मुखड़े गवाही
आपस की दुश्मनी का यह अंजाम हुआ,
दुनिया हसने लगी देश बदनाम हुआ
कैसा यह खतरे का पहर है, आज हवाओं में भी ज़हर है
कहीं भी देखो बात यही है, हाय भयानक रात यही है
मौत के साए में हर घर है, कब क्या होगा किसे खबर है
बंद है खिड़की, बंद है द्वारे, बैठे हैं सब डर के मारे
क्या होगा इन बेचारों का, क्या होगा इन लाचारों का
इनका सब कुछ खो सकता है, इनपे हमला हो सकता है
कोई रक्षक नज़र ना आता, सोआ है आकाश पे दाता
यह क्या हाल हुआ अपने संसार का,
निकल रहा है आज जनाजा प्यार का
Contributed by Ritesh Singh - 2014/2/25 - 03:14
Language: Hindi
La trascrizione del testo originale in caratteri latini con l'ausilio di Google Translator
Google Translator helped Romanization
Google Translator helped Romanization
Anche per la lingua hindi, Google Translator offre lo strumento della trascrizione; e, ripetiamo, se per la traduzione ancora siamo poco più che al livello di dare una vaga idea, le trascrizioni sono invece molto esatte e ben fatte (e basate su princìpi scientifici). Assolutamente "well done".[RV]
The transcription tool is offered by Google Translator also for the Hindi language. We want to repeat here that, if the translation tool still gives no more than a rough and vague idea of what is said, the transcription, based on scientific principles, is exact and really well done. [RV]
The transcription tool is offered by Google Translator also for the Hindi language. We want to repeat here that, if the translation tool still gives no more than a rough and vague idea of what is said, the transcription, based on scientific principles, is exact and really well done. [RV]
Āja kē isa insāna kō yaha kyā hō gayā
Isakā purānā pyāra kahām̐ para khō gayā
Kaisī yaha manahūsa ghaḍī hai, bhā'ī'ōṁ mēṁ jaṅga chiṛī hai
Kahīṁ pē khūna kahīṁ para javālā, jānē kyā hai hōnē vālā
Saba kā māthā āja jhukā hai, ājādī kā jalūsa rukā hai
Carōṁ aura dagā hī dagā hai, hara churē para khūna lagā hai
Āja dukhī hai janatā sārī, rōtē haiṁ lākhōṁ nara nārī
Rōtē haiṁ ām̐gana gali'ārē, rōtē āja mōhallē sārē
Rōtī salamā rōtī hai sītā, rōtē haiṁ kurāna aura gītā
Āja himālaya cillātā hai, kahām̐ purānā vō nātā hai
Dasa liyā sārē dēśa kō jēharī nāgō nē,
Ghara kō lagādī āga ghara kē cirāgōṁ nē
Apanē dēśa thā vō dēśa thā bhā'ī, lākhōṁ bāra musībata ā'ī
Insānōṁ nē jāna gavā'ī, para bahanōṁ kī lāja bacā'ī
Lēkina aba vō bāta kahām̐ hai, aba tō kēvala ghāta yahām̐ hai
Cala rahīṁ haiṁ ulaṭī havā'ēṁ, kāmpa rahīṁ thara thara abalāyēṁ
Āja hara ēka ām̐cala kō hai khatarā, āja hara ēka ghūm̐ghaṭa kō hai khatarā
Khatarē mēṁ hai lāja bahana kī, khatarē mēṁ cūṛīyā dul'hana kī
Ḍaratī hai hara pām̐va kī pāyala, āja kahīṁ hō jā'ē nā ghāyala
Āja salāmata kō'ī nā ghara hai, saba kō luṭa jānē kā ḍara hai
Hamanē apanē vatana kō dēkhā, ādamī kē patana kō dēkhā
Āja tō bahanōṁ para bhī hamalā hōtā hai,
Dūra kisī kōnē mēṁ majahaba rōtā hai
Kisa kē sara ilazāma dharēṁ hama, āja kahām̐ fari'āda karēṁ hama
Karatē haiṁ jō āja laṛā'ī, saba kē saba haiṁ apanē hī bhā'ī
Saba kē saba haiṁ yahām̐ aparādhī, hāya mōhōbbata sabanē bhulādī
Āja bahī jō khūna kī dhārā, dōṣī usakā samāja hai sārā
Sunō jarā ō sunanē vālō, āsamāna para nazara ghumā lō
Ēka gagana mēṁ karōḍō tārē, rahatē haiṁ hilamila kē sārē
Kabhī nā vō āpasa mēṁ laṛatē, kabhī nā dēkhā unakō jhagaṛatē
Kabhī nahīṁ vō churē calātē, nahīṁ kisī kā khūna bahātē
Lēkina isa insāna kō dēkhō, dharatī kī santāna kō dēkhō
Kitanā hai yaha hāya kamīnā, isanē lākhōṁ kā sukha chīnā
Kī hai jō isanē āja tabāhī, dēgēṁ usakī yaha mukhaṛē gavāhī
Āpasa kī duśmanī kā yaha an̄jāma hu'ā,
Duniyā hasanē lagī dēśa badanāma hu'ā
Kaisā yaha khatarē kā pahara hai, āja havā'ōṁ mēṁ bhī zahara hai
Kahīṁ bhī dēkhō bāta yahī hai, hāya bhayānaka rāta yahī hai
Mauta kē sā'ē mēṁ hara ghara hai, kaba kyā hōgā kisē khabara hai
Banda hai khiṛakī, banda hai dvārē, baiṭhē haiṁ saba ḍara kē mārē
Kyā hōgā ina bēcārōṁ kā, kyā hōgā ina lācārōṁ kā
Inakā saba kucha khō sakatā hai, inapē hamalā hō sakatā hai
Kō'ī rakṣaka nazara nā ātā, sō'ā hai ākāśa pē dātā
Yaha kyā hāla hu'ā apanē sansāra kā,
Nikala rahā hai āja janājā pyāra kā
Āja kē isa insāna kō yaha kyā hō gayā
Isakā purānā pyāra kahām̐ para khō gayā
Kaisī yaha manahūsa ghaḍī hai, bhā'ī'ōṁ mēṁ jaṅga chiṛī hai
Kahīṁ pē khūna kahīṁ para javālā, jānē kyā hai hōnē vālā
Saba kā māthā āja jhukā hai, ājādī kā jalūsa rukā hai
Carōṁ aura dagā hī dagā hai, hara churē para khūna lagā hai
Āja dukhī hai janatā sārī, rōtē haiṁ lākhōṁ nara nārī
Rōtē haiṁ ām̐gana gali'ārē, rōtē āja mōhallē sārē
Rōtī salamā rōtī hai sītā, rōtē haiṁ kurāna aura gītā
Āja himālaya cillātā hai, kahām̐ purānā vō nātā hai
Dasa liyā sārē dēśa kō jēharī nāgō nē,
Ghara kō lagādī āga ghara kē cirāgōṁ nē
Apanē dēśa thā vō dēśa thā bhā'ī, lākhōṁ bāra musībata ā'ī
Insānōṁ nē jāna gavā'ī, para bahanōṁ kī lāja bacā'ī
Lēkina aba vō bāta kahām̐ hai, aba tō kēvala ghāta yahām̐ hai
Cala rahīṁ haiṁ ulaṭī havā'ēṁ, kāmpa rahīṁ thara thara abalāyēṁ
Āja hara ēka ām̐cala kō hai khatarā, āja hara ēka ghūm̐ghaṭa kō hai khatarā
Khatarē mēṁ hai lāja bahana kī, khatarē mēṁ cūṛīyā dul'hana kī
Ḍaratī hai hara pām̐va kī pāyala, āja kahīṁ hō jā'ē nā ghāyala
Āja salāmata kō'ī nā ghara hai, saba kō luṭa jānē kā ḍara hai
Hamanē apanē vatana kō dēkhā, ādamī kē patana kō dēkhā
Āja tō bahanōṁ para bhī hamalā hōtā hai,
Dūra kisī kōnē mēṁ majahaba rōtā hai
Kisa kē sara ilazāma dharēṁ hama, āja kahām̐ fari'āda karēṁ hama
Karatē haiṁ jō āja laṛā'ī, saba kē saba haiṁ apanē hī bhā'ī
Saba kē saba haiṁ yahām̐ aparādhī, hāya mōhōbbata sabanē bhulādī
Āja bahī jō khūna kī dhārā, dōṣī usakā samāja hai sārā
Sunō jarā ō sunanē vālō, āsamāna para nazara ghumā lō
Ēka gagana mēṁ karōḍō tārē, rahatē haiṁ hilamila kē sārē
Kabhī nā vō āpasa mēṁ laṛatē, kabhī nā dēkhā unakō jhagaṛatē
Kabhī nahīṁ vō churē calātē, nahīṁ kisī kā khūna bahātē
Lēkina isa insāna kō dēkhō, dharatī kī santāna kō dēkhō
Kitanā hai yaha hāya kamīnā, isanē lākhōṁ kā sukha chīnā
Kī hai jō isanē āja tabāhī, dēgēṁ usakī yaha mukhaṛē gavāhī
Āpasa kī duśmanī kā yaha an̄jāma hu'ā,
Duniyā hasanē lagī dēśa badanāma hu'ā
Kaisā yaha khatarē kā pahara hai, āja havā'ōṁ mēṁ bhī zahara hai
Kahīṁ bhī dēkhō bāta yahī hai, hāya bhayānaka rāta yahī hai
Mauta kē sā'ē mēṁ hara ghara hai, kaba kyā hōgā kisē khabara hai
Banda hai khiṛakī, banda hai dvārē, baiṭhē haiṁ saba ḍara kē mārē
Kyā hōgā ina bēcārōṁ kā, kyā hōgā ina lācārōṁ kā
Inakā saba kucha khō sakatā hai, inapē hamalā hō sakatā hai
Kō'ī rakṣaka nazara nā ātā, sō'ā hai ākāśa pē dātā
Yaha kyā hāla hu'ā apanē sansāra kā,
Nikala rahā hai āja janājā pyāra kā
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi - 2014/2/25 - 11:10
Language: Hindi
La trascrizione basata su principi tradizionali.
Romanization according to traditional principles.
Romanization according to traditional principles.
Anch'essa è ripresa dal blog Kavi Pradeep Spiritual Songs. La trascrizione è quella generalmente in uso per la lingua hindi: è basata, cioè, principalmente sull'inglese (per cui, ad esempio, “pradīpa” diventa “Pradeep”). È una cosa anche comprensibile, se si pensa alla funzione che la lingua inglese ha tuttora in India; inoltre, per così dire, ha il vantaggio di seguire maggiormente l'effettiva pronuncia della lingua hindi (nella trascrizione scientifica fornita da Google Translator, la “a” finale breve viene ad esempio sempre indicata, quando invece non si pronuncia mai). La trascrizione anglicizzante ha una lunga tradizione. La versione del testo fornita nel blog è quella che comunemente si trova in Rete.[CCG/AWS Staff]
Equally reproduced from the blog Kavi Pradeep Spiritual Songs. The transcription given in the blog is that generally used for the Hindi language and is mostly based on English (i.e., that's why “pradīpa” becomes “Pradeep”). This can be easily understood if you think to the function English has in India still today; in addition to this, so to say, it follows more closely the real pronunciation of Hindi (in Google Translator's scientific transcription, for instance, the final short “a” is always shown, but it is never pronounced). The English-based transcription is that generally found on the Web and has a long tradition. [AWS/CCG Staff]
Equally reproduced from the blog Kavi Pradeep Spiritual Songs. The transcription given in the blog is that generally used for the Hindi language and is mostly based on English (i.e., that's why “pradīpa” becomes “Pradeep”). This can be easily understood if you think to the function English has in India still today; in addition to this, so to say, it follows more closely the real pronunciation of Hindi (in Google Translator's scientific transcription, for instance, the final short “a” is always shown, but it is never pronounced). The English-based transcription is that generally found on the Web and has a long tradition. [AWS/CCG Staff]
Aaj ke is insaan ko ye kyaa ho gayaa,
iskaa puraanaa pyaar kahaan par kho gayaa.
Kaisi ye manhoos ghadi hai, bhaaiyon mei jang chidi hai,
Kahin par khoon, kahin par jwaalaa, jaane kyaa hai hone waalaa,
Sab kaa maathaa aaj jhukaa hai, aazaadi kaa juloos rukaa hai,
Chaaron ore dagaa hee dagaa hai, har chhure par khoon lagaa hai,
Aaj dukhi hai jantaa saari, rote hain laakhon nar naari,
Rote hain aangan galiyaare, rote aaj mohalle saare,
Roti Salmaa, roti hai Seeta, rote hain Quraan aur Geeta
Aaj Himaalay chillaataa hai, kahaan puraanaa wo naataa hai,
Das diyaa saare desh ko zehreele naagon ne,
Ghar ko lagaa dee aag ghar ke chiraagon ne.
Apnaa desh wo desh thhaa bhaai, laakhon baar musibat aayee,
Insaanon ne jaan ganwaayee, par bahanon ki laaj bachaayee,
Lekin ab wo baat kahaan hai ab to kewal ghaat yahaan hai,
Chal rahee hai ultee hawaayen, kaanp rahee thhar thhar ablaayen,
Aaj har ek aanchal ko hai khatraa, aaj har ghunghat ko hai khatraa,
Khatre mei hai laaj bahan kee, khatre mei hai chudiyaan dulhan kee,
Dartee hai har paanw ki paayal, aaj kaheen ho naa jaaye ghaayal,
Aaj salaamat naa koi ghar hai, sab ko lut jaane kaa dar hai,
Humne apne watan ko dekhaa, aadmi ke patan ko dekhaa,
Aaj to bahanon par bhee humlaa hotaa hai,
Duur kisi kone mei majhab rotaa hai.
Kiske sar ilzaam dharen hum, aaj kahaan fariyaad karen hum?
Karte hai jo aaj ladaai, sub ke sub hain apne hee bhaai,
Sub ke sub yahaan apraadhi, haay mohabbat sub ne bhulaa dee,
Aaj bahee jo khoon ki dhaaraa, doshi uskaa samaaj hai saaraa,
Suno zara o sunne waalon, aasmaan par nazar ghumaa lo,
Ek gagan mei karoron taare, rahte hain hil mil kar saare,
Kabhi naa wo aapas mei ladte, kabhi naa dekhaa unko jhagadte,
Kabhi nahin wo chhure chalaate, kabhi nahin kisi kaa khoon bahaate,
Lekin is insaan ko dekho, dharti ki santaan ko dekho,
Kitnaa hai ye haay kameenaa, is ne laakhon kaa sukh chheenaa,
Kee hai isne aaj jo tabaahee, denge uskee ye mulk gawaahee,
Aapas kee ye dushmani kaa ye anjaam huaa,
Duniyaa hansne lagi desh badnaam huaa.
Kaisaa ye khatre kaa fazal hai, aaj hawaaon mei bhee zahar hai,
Kahin bhee dekho baat yahee hai, haay bhayaanak raat yahee hai,
Maut ke saaye hain ghar ghar mei, kab kya hogaa kise khabar hai,
Bund hain khidki, bund hain dwaare, baithe hain sab darr ke mare,
Kyaa hogaa in bechaaron kaa, kyaa hogaa in laachaaron kaa,
Inkaa sub kuch kho saktaa hai, in par humlaa ho saktaa hai,
Koi rakshak nazar aataa naheen, khoyaa hai aakaash mei daataa,
Ye kyaa haal huaa apne sansaar kaa,
Nikal rahaa hai aaj zanaazaa pyaar kaa.
Aaj ke is insaan ko ye kyaa ho gayaa,
iskaa puraanaa pyaar kahaan par kho gayaa.
Kaisi ye manhoos ghadi hai, bhaaiyon mei jang chidi hai,
Kahin par khoon, kahin par jwaalaa, jaane kyaa hai hone waalaa,
Sab kaa maathaa aaj jhukaa hai, aazaadi kaa juloos rukaa hai,
Chaaron ore dagaa hee dagaa hai, har chhure par khoon lagaa hai,
Aaj dukhi hai jantaa saari, rote hain laakhon nar naari,
Rote hain aangan galiyaare, rote aaj mohalle saare,
Roti Salmaa, roti hai Seeta, rote hain Quraan aur Geeta
Aaj Himaalay chillaataa hai, kahaan puraanaa wo naataa hai,
Das diyaa saare desh ko zehreele naagon ne,
Ghar ko lagaa dee aag ghar ke chiraagon ne.
Apnaa desh wo desh thhaa bhaai, laakhon baar musibat aayee,
Insaanon ne jaan ganwaayee, par bahanon ki laaj bachaayee,
Lekin ab wo baat kahaan hai ab to kewal ghaat yahaan hai,
Chal rahee hai ultee hawaayen, kaanp rahee thhar thhar ablaayen,
Aaj har ek aanchal ko hai khatraa, aaj har ghunghat ko hai khatraa,
Khatre mei hai laaj bahan kee, khatre mei hai chudiyaan dulhan kee,
Dartee hai har paanw ki paayal, aaj kaheen ho naa jaaye ghaayal,
Aaj salaamat naa koi ghar hai, sab ko lut jaane kaa dar hai,
Humne apne watan ko dekhaa, aadmi ke patan ko dekhaa,
Aaj to bahanon par bhee humlaa hotaa hai,
Duur kisi kone mei majhab rotaa hai.
Kiske sar ilzaam dharen hum, aaj kahaan fariyaad karen hum?
Karte hai jo aaj ladaai, sub ke sub hain apne hee bhaai,
Sub ke sub yahaan apraadhi, haay mohabbat sub ne bhulaa dee,
Aaj bahee jo khoon ki dhaaraa, doshi uskaa samaaj hai saaraa,
Suno zara o sunne waalon, aasmaan par nazar ghumaa lo,
Ek gagan mei karoron taare, rahte hain hil mil kar saare,
Kabhi naa wo aapas mei ladte, kabhi naa dekhaa unko jhagadte,
Kabhi nahin wo chhure chalaate, kabhi nahin kisi kaa khoon bahaate,
Lekin is insaan ko dekho, dharti ki santaan ko dekho,
Kitnaa hai ye haay kameenaa, is ne laakhon kaa sukh chheenaa,
Kee hai isne aaj jo tabaahee, denge uskee ye mulk gawaahee,
Aapas kee ye dushmani kaa ye anjaam huaa,
Duniyaa hansne lagi desh badnaam huaa.
Kaisaa ye khatre kaa fazal hai, aaj hawaaon mei bhee zahar hai,
Kahin bhee dekho baat yahee hai, haay bhayaanak raat yahee hai,
Maut ke saaye hain ghar ghar mei, kab kya hogaa kise khabar hai,
Bund hain khidki, bund hain dwaare, baithe hain sab darr ke mare,
Kyaa hogaa in bechaaron kaa, kyaa hogaa in laachaaron kaa,
Inkaa sub kuch kho saktaa hai, in par humlaa ho saktaa hai,
Koi rakshak nazar aataa naheen, khoyaa hai aakaash mei daataa,
Ye kyaa haal huaa apne sansaar kaa,
Nikal rahaa hai aaj zanaazaa pyaar kaa.
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi - 2014/2/25 - 16:44
Language: English
English translation from the blog Kavi Pradeep Spiritual Songs
Traduzione inglese dal blog Kavi Pradeep Spiritual Songs
Traduzione inglese dal blog Kavi Pradeep Spiritual Songs
As the English translation is given line by line in the blog, we have reshaped the translated lyrics so to allow overall sight of the text. The translator's notes mixed in the lines have been reported apart. [CCG/AWS Staff]
Poiché la traduzione inglese viene riportata verso per verso nel blog, abbiamo ricomposto il testo tradotto per permetterne una visione d'insieme. Le note del traduttore date all'interno dei versi sono state riportate a parte. [CCG/AWS Staff]
Poiché la traduzione inglese viene riportata verso per verso nel blog, abbiamo ricomposto il testo tradotto per permetterne una visione d'insieme. Le note del traduttore date all'interno dei versi sono state riportate a parte. [CCG/AWS Staff]
What has happened to this human of today,
Where has his old love gotten lost
What wretched time is this, there is a battle going on between brothers
Somewhere is blood, somewhere is blaze, who knows what is about to happen
Everyone's head is bowed today, the Independence procession has stopped,
All around is just treachery, only treachery, on every dagger there is blood.
Today all public is sad, hundreds of thousands of men and women are crying
The courtyards and alleys are crying, today all neighborhoods are crying,
Salma is crying, Seeta is crying*, Quraan and Geeta are crying**
Today the Himalayas shout: Where is that old relationship
The whole country has been bitten by poisonous snakes,
The homes were set on fire by the lamps of their own homes
Our country was that country, brother, hundreds of thousands of times difficulties came,
Men sacrificed their lives, but they saved the honour of their sisters
But no where is that any more, now all that is left are the wounds
The wind is blowing backwards, women are shivering with fear
Today each aanchal *** is in danger, today each veil is in danger, ****
The sister's honour is in danger, the bangles of the bride are in danger *****
The ankle bracelet is scared in case it is wounded today.
Today no home is safe any more, everyone is afraid of being looted.
We have seen our country, we have seen the downfall of men,
Today even sisters are attacked, in some far corner religion cries.
Upon whose head can we lay the blame, today to whom can we appeal?
Those who are fighting today, all of them are our own brothers.
All of them here are guilty, alas, all have forgotten love,
Today the blood that is flowing, the blame for that goes to all of society.
Listen for a bit those of you listening, take a look at the sky,
In one sky there are billions of stars, but they still stay together,
They never fight with each other, we have never seen them fighting,
They never attack with daggers, they never flow any one else's blood.
But look at this human, look at the son of the earth,
Look how wicked he is, he has stolen the happiness of millions.
The devastation he has created today, this country will give evidence of that,
The result of the enmity with each other is, the world is laughing at us
And the reputation of our country is hurt.
This is the warning of what type of danger, today there is poison even in the wind
Wherever you look this is what is happening, this is a horrifying night.
The shadow of death is in each house, when what will happen who knows,
The windows are closed, the doors are closed, everyone is sitting scared.
What will happen to these poor souls, what will happen to these helpless people,
They can lose every thing, they can be attacked
No protector is in sight. the Giver****** is lost in the sky,
What is this condition of our world? Today we can see
The funeral procession of love.
What has happened to this human of today,
Where has his old love gotten lost
What wretched time is this, there is a battle going on between brothers
Somewhere is blood, somewhere is blaze, who knows what is about to happen
Everyone's head is bowed today, the Independence procession has stopped,
All around is just treachery, only treachery, on every dagger there is blood.
Today all public is sad, hundreds of thousands of men and women are crying
The courtyards and alleys are crying, today all neighborhoods are crying,
Salma is crying, Seeta is crying*, Quraan and Geeta are crying**
Today the Himalayas shout: Where is that old relationship
The whole country has been bitten by poisonous snakes,
The homes were set on fire by the lamps of their own homes
Our country was that country, brother, hundreds of thousands of times difficulties came,
Men sacrificed their lives, but they saved the honour of their sisters
But no where is that any more, now all that is left are the wounds
The wind is blowing backwards, women are shivering with fear
Today each aanchal *** is in danger, today each veil is in danger, ****
The sister's honour is in danger, the bangles of the bride are in danger *****
The ankle bracelet is scared in case it is wounded today.
Today no home is safe any more, everyone is afraid of being looted.
We have seen our country, we have seen the downfall of men,
Today even sisters are attacked, in some far corner religion cries.
Upon whose head can we lay the blame, today to whom can we appeal?
Those who are fighting today, all of them are our own brothers.
All of them here are guilty, alas, all have forgotten love,
Today the blood that is flowing, the blame for that goes to all of society.
Listen for a bit those of you listening, take a look at the sky,
In one sky there are billions of stars, but they still stay together,
They never fight with each other, we have never seen them fighting,
They never attack with daggers, they never flow any one else's blood.
But look at this human, look at the son of the earth,
Look how wicked he is, he has stolen the happiness of millions.
The devastation he has created today, this country will give evidence of that,
The result of the enmity with each other is, the world is laughing at us
And the reputation of our country is hurt.
This is the warning of what type of danger, today there is poison even in the wind
Wherever you look this is what is happening, this is a horrifying night.
The shadow of death is in each house, when what will happen who knows,
The windows are closed, the doors are closed, everyone is sitting scared.
What will happen to these poor souls, what will happen to these helpless people,
They can lose every thing, they can be attacked
No protector is in sight. the Giver****** is lost in the sky,
What is this condition of our world? Today we can see
The funeral procession of love.
* Muslim and Hindu names.
** Muslim and Hindu religious books.
*** End of sari.
**** i.e., All women are in danger
***** It really means the husbands are in danger, because when the husband dies traditionally Hindu women shatter their bangles.
****** God.
* Muslim and Hindu names.
** Muslim and Hindu religious books.
*** End of sari.
**** i.e., All women are in danger
***** It really means the husbands are in danger, because when the husband dies traditionally Hindu women shatter their bangles.
****** God.
Contributed by CCG/AWS Staff - 2014/2/25 - 12:02
Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.
Album: Amar Rahe Yeh Pyar
Year: 1961
(From a commentary found on the relevant YouTube video page; the English has been slightly amended).
"Love is just a part of life and the love written about today talks about love between the sexes only. But do young men and women have a monopoly where love is concerned. Aren't there different kinds of love that between a mother and her children, between a father and his children, between a bhakt (devotee) and his deity, between a man and his motherland? I chose to write about all these different kinds of love." [Kavi Pradeep]
La canzone, scritta da Kavi Pradeep nel 1961, fa parte della colonna sonora del film Amar rahe ye pyar, diretto nel medesimo anno dal regista Prabhu e interpretato tra gli altri da Rajendra Kumar. Tutte le canzoni del film sono composte dal musicista C. Ramchandra e da Kavi Pradeep. Il film è ambientato attorno al 1947, l'anno dell'indipendenza indiana. Kishan lavora assieme a Thomas come professionista autonomo, conducendo una vita medioborghese nell'India ancora occupata dagli inglesi assieme a sua moglie incinta, Geeta, e al fratello di lei Shewakram, dall'animo buono e compassionevole. All'improvviso, Kishan muore in un incidente e Geeta, devastata dal dolore, intende uccidersi ma è consolata dal fratello. La situazione peggiora quando Geeta perde il bambino che aspetta e si rassegna alla situazione. Con l'aumento delle violenze religiose dopo l'Indipendenza, Geeta trova un bambino abbandonato e lo porta a casa, adottandolo e chiamandolo Raju. Cinque anni dopo deve fronteggiare Razia, la moglie dell'avvocato Iqbal Hussein, che reclama il bambino come suo ed è pronta a far valere i suoi diritti in tribunale.
The song, written by Kavi Pradeep in 1961, belongs to the soundtrack of the motion picture Amar rahe ye pyar, directed in the same year by Prabhu with Rajendra Kumar starring among others. All songs included in the movie were composed by the musician C. Ramchandra and written by Kavi Pradeep. The action in set circa 1947, the year of India's independence. Kishan is employed with Thomas as an independent contractor, and lives a middle-classed lifestyle in occupied India along with his expectant wife, Geeta, who has a compassionate brother in Shewakram. Kishan suddenly passes away in an accident and a devastated Geeta, who wants to kill herself, is consoled by her brother. But the situation gets even worse when she loses the baby and resigns herself to her situation. With the increase in religious riots after the departure of the British, she comes across an abandoned male child, takes him home, adopts him and named him Raju. Five years later she will face challenges when the wife, Razia, of Advocate Iqbal Hussein, will show up to claim Raju as hers - and is even prepared to take custody through the courts.