
Maggie (Out)

The Larks
Langue: anglais

Liste des versions

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The Battle Of Evermore
(Led Zeppelin)
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Album: Pain In The Neck


The chorus of the chant became the title of a compilation album from Anagram Records (Catalog#:GRAM 28) released in 1987.
The Larks produced a track called "Maggie, Maggie, Maggie (Out, Out, Out)" which was included on the Miners’ Benefit LP “Here We Go” on Sterile Records.
Comedian Alexei Sayle remarked humorously that he couldn't find his way around London unless he walked down the middle of the streets shouting the words.[citation needed]
"Maggie Out" was a chant popular during the Miners' Strike, student grant protests, Poll Tax protests and other public demonstrations that fell within the time when Margaret Thatcher was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
The chant called for her to be removed from that role. It was referred to, in that context, during a parliamentary session in 1984.
When Margaret Thatcher felt compelled to resign some people had memories of chanting it for thirteen years. [7] [8] People were passionate about this group activity and associated it with varied political struggles from that time.
It is a variant of the "Oggy Oggy Oggy, Oi Oi Oi" chant.
Since 1990 two variants of this song have been heard - adapted for both her successors; replacing 'Major' for 'Maggie' during the tenure of John Major and 'Tony' for 'Maggie' since Tony Blair's plan for the Iraq War in 2003.
The song has occasionally been revived to "greet" Thatcher's public outings following her resignation as Prime Minister, but with the word "gone" substituted for "out"
Maggie, Maggie, Maggie!
Out! Out! Out!

Maggie, Maggie, Maggie!
Out! Out! Out!



Maggie, Maggie, Maggie!
Out! Out! Out!

envoyé par DoNQuijote82 - 8/4/2013 - 19:51

Langue: italien (Toscano Livornese)

Traduzione in livornese di Riccardo Venturi
8 aprile 2013 (gran giorno!)

Megghi, Megghi, Megghi!
Lèvati di 'ulo!

Megghi, Megghi, Megghi!
Dé, ma ti vòi levà' da tre passi?

Megghi, Megghi, Megghi!
Oh, ma che parlo pisano...?

Megghi, Megghi, Megghi!
Ora 'un te lo dìo più.

Megghi, Megghi, Megghi!
Ma allora se' sorda,
te e ir budellone di tu' mà!

Megghi, Megghi, Megghi!
Ah, ma allora se' morta!
Dé, 'un lo potevi dì prima...?
M'ha' fatto bercià che mi sentivano dar Montinero...!


Ti se' levata di 'ulo!
Ora 'un manca che ir Livorno 'nzerie A!

8/4/2013 - 20:15

è un po' libera come traduzione :)

Lorenzo - 8/4/2013 - 22:30

Per forza è così libera: il complicatissimo originale è pressoché incomprensibile!!!

Riccardo Venturi - 8/4/2013 - 23:56

comunque, se l'ascoltate, il testo originale è più lungo e contiene una citazione di "Rock and Roll" dei Led Zeppelin.

9/4/2013 - 09:35

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