
Beautiful Butterfly

Still on the Hill
Language: English

Still on the Hill

Related Songs

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Music by Kelly Mulhollan


Dedicata a Julia "Butterfly" Hill

Julia Hill, meglio conosciuta come Julia Butterfly Hill (Mount Vernon, 18 febbraio 1974), è un'ambientalista statunitense.

È diventata nota perché è rimasta per 738 giorni nella foresta di Headwaters, Contea di Grand (Colorado), dal dicembre del 1997 al dicembre del 1999, su di una sequoia a circa 55 metri[1] di altezza per impedirne l'abbattimento da parte della Pacific Lumber Company. Ha raccontato la sua permanenza sull'albero nel libro The legacy of Luna (Luna è il nome dato alla sequoia), tradotto in italiano con il titolo La ragazza sull'albero.

Altre canzoni dedicate a Julia Hill:
Kissed by Mist - Julia Hill - Beautiful Butterfly - Butterfly - Julia Butterfly Hill

Perché salvare le foreste vuol dire salvare l'uomo
Beautiful butterfly, out on a limb
on a platform way up high
in the branches of that redwood tree
that reaches to the sky.
Well she named the tall tree Luna
and she gave a solemn oath
that she'd never touch the ground
till she saved the ancient growth.

Oh oh, beautiful butterfly
out on a limb ... held on so tight
to the branches of that redwood tree
in her courageous fight

Well the lumber company said,
"This is lunacy, we'll do any we can
to get her down from that tree!"
The helicopters flew close,
their wind was hard to take ...
they shined their spotlights down
all night, keeping her awake.
Then they blasted her with air horns
and they tried to starve her out.
The loggers stood beneath the
trees and shouted obscenities.

Well, she saved 2 acres, of thousand
year old trees. but of course there was a fee,
of fifty thousand greenbacks
for the lumber company ... .
but those 2 long years were not in vain
cuz she opened up our eyes
to realize we're all cocoons
just hiding butterflies.

Contributed by DoNQuijote82 - 2013/3/15 - 11:51

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