Babylon's burning
You're burning the street
You're burning your houses
With anxiety
With anxiety
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
With anxiety
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
You're burning the street
You're burning the ghetto
With anxiety
With anxiety
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
With anxiety
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning, baby
Can't you see?
Babylon's burning
With anxiety
You'll burn as your work
You'll burn at your play
With ignorance and hate
And with anxiety
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
With anxiety
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning, baby
Can't you see?
Babylon's burning
With anxiety
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
Babylon is burning
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
You're burning the street
You're burning your houses
With anxiety
With anxiety
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
With anxiety
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
You're burning the street
You're burning the ghetto
With anxiety
With anxiety
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
With anxiety
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning, baby
Can't you see?
Babylon's burning
With anxiety
You'll burn as your work
You'll burn at your play
With ignorance and hate
And with anxiety
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
With anxiety
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning, baby
Can't you see?
Babylon's burning
With anxiety
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
Babylon is burning
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
Babylon's burning
envoyé par Dead End - 18/12/2012 - 09:40

Parole e musica di Paul Fox, Malcolm Owen, Dave Ruffy e John Jennings (The Ruts)
Album “The Crack”
Insieme a Jah War, un’altra canzone ispirata ai gravi scontri razziali che imperversarono nell’Inghilterra degli anni 70 (proseguendo poi negli 80) da Southall a Brixton a Toxteth, alimentati dalla crisi economica, dalle politiche thatcheriane e dal montante consenso verso gruppi e gruppuscoli razzisti, neofascisti e neonazisti.
Nella filosofia rastafariana Babilonia è la città simbolo della società demoniaca dominata dai bianchi oppressori…
Inutile ricordare che il brano non può non essere stato ispirato dalla London’s Burning composta due anni prima dai Clash di Joe Strummer…