
يا هوا بيروت [Hawa Bairut]

Fairuz / فيروز
Langue: arabe

Fairuz / فيروز

Liste des versions

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الأرض لكم‎ (El Ardo Lakoum)‎
(Fairuz / فيروز)
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(Tamer Nafar / تامر النفار)

Written by Fairuz, Assi & Mansour Rahbani
Scritta da Fairuz, Assi e Mansour Rahbani


Ho trovato un solo sito con il testo in arabo, ma purtoppo è un'immagine per cui non posso postarlo direttamente... Questo è il sito.
L'immagine è riprodotta nello spazio testuale [CCG/AWS Staff]

Di seguito riporto la traduzione in inglese. Quel che ho capito è che il titolo può significare sia (letteralmente) "Il Vento di Beirut" che (figuratamente) "Amore di/per Beirut".
In realtà, "hawa" copre anche l'accezione di "aria" [RV]

Vedete un po' voi... [Alessandro]
سكروا الشوارع
عتموا الشارات
زرعوا المدافع
هجروا الساحات

وينك يا حبيبي
بعدك يا حبيبي
صرنا الحب الصارخ
صرنا المسفاة

شتقنا للقيام السعيدة
أيام السهر ع الطريق
عجقة سير ومشاوير بعيدة
ونتلاقا بالمطعم العتيق

يا هوا بيروت يا هوا الأيام
ارجعي يا بيروت بترجع الأيام

إجا الصيف الثاني
والقمر مكسور
قولك رح تنساني يا حبي المقهور
أرجعت على بيتي وما لقيتو لبيتي
دخان وذواي لا ورده ولا صوف
عم بيروحوا متل رفوف السنونو
تحت نجوم اليل مشردين
قولك الأصحاب وين بيكونوا
وين بيكون الدمع والحنين

يا هوا بيروت يا هوا الأيام
ارجعي يا بيروت بترجع الأيام

envoyé par Alessandro - 20/7/2006 - 23:19

Langue: anglais

Versione inglese, dallo stesso sito

They put up road-blocks
they dimmed all the signs
they planted cannons
they mined the squares
where are you love
after you we became
the love that screams
we became the distances.

For the happy days we longed
the days of staying up on the road
the long walks
the rendezvous at the old restaurant.

O love of Beirut
O love of days
They will come back Beirut
the days will come back.

It is the second summer
the moon is broken
is it true you may forget me
my defeated love
I went back to my house
my house I didn't find
only smoke and twisted beams
no rose and no fence.

21/7/2006 - 09:22

Langue: anglais

A questo indirizzo (sito non ufficiale di Fairuz) una versione in inglese molto simile ma non identica:
Link Pagina

Il brano è invece intitolato diversamente:
"Sakkarou el chaware’e” - “They barricaded the streets”

L'attribuzione ai fratelli Rahbani invece non deve stupire, perchè sono gli autori di quasi tutte le canzoni di Fairuz.

They barricaded the streets, they turned off the neon lights,
they planted cannons, and cleared the places,
where are you my love, you are still my love,
we have become the shouting love, we have become the distances,
we miss the happy days,
the days of staying out on the streets,
traffic jams and long promenades,
and we would meet in the old café,
Oh air of Beirut, oh air of the times,
come back Beirut, so that the days would come back,
the second summer came and the moon is broken,
would you forget me, my bitter love,
I came back to my house, I couldn’t find my house,
smoke and corners, no rose or fence,
they are migrating like birds,
dispersed under the night stars,
where do you think are the friends,
where would the tears and nostalgia be.

envoyé par Alessandro - 15/1/2008 - 21:16

Langue: français

Traduzione francese: Armandbell - Lyrics Translate

Ils ont bloqué les rues
et éteint les feux de circulation
Ils ont planté les canons
et ont évacué les places

Où es-tu mon amour?
Je t'aime encore tu sais,
Et pendant que notre amour crie et s'indigne
la distance écrit notre séparation

Les beaux jours nous manquent
Jadis quand nous passions nos nuits dans les rues de la ville
Jadis entre les bouchons et les longues virées
et bien sûr nos rendez-vous dans le vieux restaurant

Ö amour de Beyrouth, ton amour est celui des beaux jours,
Reviens-nous Beyrouth pour que les beaux jours reviennent

L'été suivant arriva,
La lune toujours déchirée,
Dis, m'oublieras-tu mon amour déçu?
De retour chez moi, ma maison n'était plus là,
Plus rien que la fumée et les vestiges, même pas une fleur, même pas un mur,
tous en volée d'hirondelles quittaient les lieux,
sous un ciel étoilé, ils s'éparpillèrent sans abri,
Dis, où seraient les amis?
Là où logent les larmes et la nostalgie.

Ö amour de Beyrouth, ton amour et celui des beaux jours,
Reviens nous Beyrouth pour que les beaux jours reviennent

24/5/2024 - 22:10

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