Jacob Green got busted for possession
Next morning early he appeared in court
But he was sent to jail to wait to be trialed at some later date
Next morning early, there came a sad report
At the jail they took away his clothes to shame him
And to make sure Jacob Green had no pride left
They cut of all his hair today they found him hanging there
Afraid to face the day he killed himself
It happened yesterday and if you turn your head away
Somewhere in some dirty hole the scene will be rerun
Not only Jacob Green, but many more you've never seen
It could be someone that you love gets done
Like Jacob Green got done
It could be someone that you love gets done
Like Jacob Green got done
Jacob's father hired a team of lawyers
Inspections and long inquiries were held
The sheriff then retired and the papers said two guards were fired
They put a brand new coat of paint on Jacob's cell
But like a tomb that looks so white and shiny
Inside you'll find corruption never seen
And somewhere out there tonight in a dirty cell without a light
There will be locked up another Jacob Green
It happened yesterday and if you turn your head away
Somewhere in some dirty hole the scene will be rerun
Not only Jacob Green, but many more you've never seen
It could be someone that you love gets done
Like Jacob Green got done
It could be someone that you love gets done
Like Jacob Green got done
Next morning early he appeared in court
But he was sent to jail to wait to be trialed at some later date
Next morning early, there came a sad report
At the jail they took away his clothes to shame him
And to make sure Jacob Green had no pride left
They cut of all his hair today they found him hanging there
Afraid to face the day he killed himself
It happened yesterday and if you turn your head away
Somewhere in some dirty hole the scene will be rerun
Not only Jacob Green, but many more you've never seen
It could be someone that you love gets done
Like Jacob Green got done
It could be someone that you love gets done
Like Jacob Green got done
Jacob's father hired a team of lawyers
Inspections and long inquiries were held
The sheriff then retired and the papers said two guards were fired
They put a brand new coat of paint on Jacob's cell
But like a tomb that looks so white and shiny
Inside you'll find corruption never seen
And somewhere out there tonight in a dirty cell without a light
There will be locked up another Jacob Green
It happened yesterday and if you turn your head away
Somewhere in some dirty hole the scene will be rerun
Not only Jacob Green, but many more you've never seen
It could be someone that you love gets done
Like Jacob Green got done
It could be someone that you love gets done
Like Jacob Green got done
envoyé par Dead End - 21/9/2012 - 14:11
A quanto racconta Cash intrucendo la canzone ai detenuti di Österåker, quella di Jacob Green è la storia vera di un ragazzino di 16 anni che, sbattuto in una prigione della Virginia per via di un furtarello, lì fu terrorizzato ed umiliato a tal punto da arrivare a suicidarsi...
Dead End - 21/9/2012 - 14:19
Album “På Österåker” ("At Österåker"), registrato il 3 ottobre del 1973 durante un concerto tenuto presso la prigione di Österåker in Svezia.
Una canzone che dedico a tutti gli Jacob Green che muoiono nelle carceri di tutto il mondo, tanti – troppi - anche nelle nostre. Ammazzati in prigione, ammazzati di prigione, suicidati o uccisi da coloro che dovrebbero custodirli.
Nelle carceri italiane dal 2000 al 2012 si sono ammazzati 732 detenuti (Morire di carcere: dossier 2000 - 2012)… L’ultimo si chiamava Daniele Ridolfi, 26 anni, e lo scorso 7 settembre si è impiccato nel carcere di Opera a Milano. Doveva essere scarcerato a dicembre…