Word of the trouble spread around
One day a man came to my town
I was in the kitchen when my Pa let him in
He shook my hand, said, "The Klan's your friend"
Was a meetin' at Lyle Stanton's house
On the Jefferson Highway
Some, they did not listen
Some did not turn away
Said, "When the holy rain of fire
Comes tumblin' from above
It'll be a Klansman
Who stands for the land he loves"
Look away, look away now
I was ten years old when my Pa said,
"Son, some day you will see
When you grow to wear the robes
Like your brother and me
When the war between the races
Leaves us in a fiery dream
It'll be a Klansman
Who will wipe this country clean
This, son, is my dream".
One day a man came to my town
I was in the kitchen when my Pa let him in
He shook my hand, said, "The Klan's your friend"
Was a meetin' at Lyle Stanton's house
On the Jefferson Highway
Some, they did not listen
Some did not turn away
Said, "When the holy rain of fire
Comes tumblin' from above
It'll be a Klansman
Who stands for the land he loves"
Look away, look away now
I was ten years old when my Pa said,
"Son, some day you will see
When you grow to wear the robes
Like your brother and me
When the war between the races
Leaves us in a fiery dream
It'll be a Klansman
Who will wipe this country clean
This, son, is my dream".
envoyé par Dead End - 22/8/2012 - 12:10
Outtake da “Born in the U.S.A.”
Testo trovato su www.springsteenlyrics.com
Ancora una canzone di Springsteen che mi ha fatto tornare in mente un vecchio film, il violentissimo e coraggioso (anche se non perfettamente riuscito, forse perché gli attori protagonisti erano sempre ubriachi persi) “L’uomo del klan” (“The Klansman”), girato nel 1974 da Terence Young, con due enormi interpreti, Lee Marvin nella parte di un irreprensibile tutore dell’ordine e Richard Burton in quella di un proprietario antirazzista. Insieme cercheranno di evitare lo scontro razziale in una cittadina rurale ma gli eventi li costringeranno a confrontarsi armi in pugno con i suprematisti bianchi. C’è pure un giovane O.J. Simpson nella parte di un nero che, braccato dai bianchi, si trasforma in un vendicatore in stile “black panther”…
L’autore del romanzo da cui il film è tratto, William Bradford Huie, subì mincce di morte da parte del Ku Klux Klan, che arrivò a bruciare la solita croce proprio davanti alla casa dello scrittore…
La location del film era inizialmente la cittadina californiana di Oroville, ma lo sceriffo locale vietò le riprese per motivi di ordine pubblico…