The warden said he'd mail my letter
Chaplain's waitin' by the door
Tonight we'll cross the yard together
Then they can't hurt me anymore
Cause I am goin’ over yonder
Where no ghost can follow me
There's another place beyond here
Where I'll be free I believe
You can give my radio to Johnson
Thibodeaux can have my fan
Send my Bible home to Mama
Call her every now and then
Cause I am goin’ over yonder
Where no ghost can follow me
There's another place beyond here
Where I'll be free I believe
I suppose I got it comin'
I can't ever pay enough
All my rippin' and a-runnin'
I hurt everyone I loved
The world'll turn around without me
The sun'll come up in the east
Shinin' down on all of them that hate me
I hope my goin' brings 'em peace
Well I am goin’ over yonder
Where no ghost can follow me
There's another place beyond here
Where I'll be free, yeah, that’s what I believe
Chaplain's waitin' by the door
Tonight we'll cross the yard together
Then they can't hurt me anymore
Cause I am goin’ over yonder
Where no ghost can follow me
There's another place beyond here
Where I'll be free I believe
You can give my radio to Johnson
Thibodeaux can have my fan
Send my Bible home to Mama
Call her every now and then
Cause I am goin’ over yonder
Where no ghost can follow me
There's another place beyond here
Where I'll be free I believe
I suppose I got it comin'
I can't ever pay enough
All my rippin' and a-runnin'
I hurt everyone I loved
The world'll turn around without me
The sun'll come up in the east
Shinin' down on all of them that hate me
I hope my goin' brings 'em peace
Well I am goin’ over yonder
Where no ghost can follow me
There's another place beyond here
Where I'll be free, yeah, that’s what I believe
envoyé par Dead End - 2/7/2012 - 14:21
Album “Transcendental Blues”
Steve Earle corrispose per molto tempo con Jonathan Wayne Nobles, un detenuto condannato a morte per il duplice, efferato omicidio di due giovani ragazze (Mitzi Nalley e Kelly Farquhar, vittime dimenticate come tante, impossibile reperire una loro foto nella Rete…) commesso nel 1986 mentre si trovava sotto l’effetto di droghe (Nobles risultava essere tossicodipendente dall’età di 8 anni!). Earle conobbe di persona il suo amico di penna solo un mese prima dell’esecuzione, e assistette anche a quest’ultima, avvenuta il 7 ottobre del 1998 in un carcere texano.
Jonathan Wayne Nobles
Il racconto completo di quella giornata potete leggerlo qui…
Traggo invece da Songfacts questo stralcio di un’intervista pubblicata su Mojo nel 2008 in cui Earle, riferendosi ancora una volta alla fine di Nobles, spiega l’origine del suo impegno contro la pena di morte, impegno che l’ha visto in prima fila sin dalla partecipazione alla colonna sonora del film “Dead Man Walking” nel 1995:
"I don't recommend it. I befriended Jonathan for several months beforehand. Then I saw the execution and later brought his remains to England for burial according to his wishes. But the execution was incredibly toxic to me. It's hard. You can't believe it's really happening. I remember afterwards I thought, 'did I black out and miss it? I let Jonathan down.' Then the blank filled in… it was the shock… I realized exactly what I'd seen. I can't see myself doing it again. I've absorbed enough death. And I still work hard against the death penalty."