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Public Image Ltd. (PiL)
Langue: anglais

Public Image Ltd. (PiL)

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Dedicata all’estrema destra britannica del National Front, poi British National Party…‎
Don't look back
Take second best
Number one protect
Self interest
Here every day is a Monday, Monday
Left, right
Left, right
Left, right, left, right
Get it up, get the right armour
Don't look back
Look after your health
Good days ahead
Don't listen to the red refugees
Go back, go back
Go back, go back
Extreme right
The face is white
Left foot, right foot
Keep the shoulders up
Column eighty eight
The master plan
Uber alles
The Klu Klux Klan
Improvements on the domestic front
Have a cup of tea
Good days ahead
Don't ever look back
Good days ahead
Don't ever look back
Good days ahead
Don't ever look back
Good days ahead
Don't ever look back
Good days ahead
Don't look back
Good days ahead
Don't look back
Good days ahead
Don't ever look back
Improvements on the domestic front
Good days ahead
Don't ever look back
Good days ahead

envoyé par Bartleby - 30/3/2012 - 11:23

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