Football Saturday
And our team has won
Looking for a fight
Now the game has just begun
All around our favoured nation
Some beat to a different drum
Carry knives and carry grudges
Drawing blood just for fun
If you stare at me
You will pay the price
Like the master race
We believe that might is right
It's war from the way I see it
Starting with the place you're born
Somewhere there's a light in the distance
Run for cover and keep me warm
Someday soon I'll taste sweet freedom
With a woman like you
I know that I can change
From gaol it's a hard climb upwards
There were others worse than me
I dreamt that a angel told me
Only love can you free
Someday soon I'll taste sweet freedom
With a woman like you
I know that I can change
And our team has won
Looking for a fight
Now the game has just begun
All around our favoured nation
Some beat to a different drum
Carry knives and carry grudges
Drawing blood just for fun
If you stare at me
You will pay the price
Like the master race
We believe that might is right
It's war from the way I see it
Starting with the place you're born
Somewhere there's a light in the distance
Run for cover and keep me warm
Someday soon I'll taste sweet freedom
With a woman like you
I know that I can change
From gaol it's a hard climb upwards
There were others worse than me
I dreamt that a angel told me
Only love can you free
Someday soon I'll taste sweet freedom
With a woman like you
I know that I can change
envoyé par Bartleby - 29/3/2012 - 13:00
Nella didascalia della vignetta non avevo scritto chi è Tantawi? Beh, è il ministro della difesa, il capo dell'esercito ed il responsabile del Consiglio supremo delle forze armate in Egitto...
Poveri egiziani, speriamo che tutti quei morti non siano stati invano!
Poveri egiziani, speriamo che tutti quei morti non siano stati invano!
Bartleby - 29/3/2012 - 21:16
Nell’album “Feedback 86”, all’epoca abortito e pubblicato solo nel 2000
La canzone compare anche nella riedizione in cd del 1994 dell’album “Till We Have Faces” (1984)
La violenza negli stadi calcistichi, vista come una riduzione in piccolo delle futili ed atroci guerre che affliggono il mondo, basti solo pensare a quanto avvenuto in Egitto nelle scorse settimane quando i tifosi dell’Al-Ahly Sports Club sono stati massacrati (79 morti) dai rivali dell’Al-Masry, complici la polizia e i militari.
La presa di coscienza e la redenzione del protagonista – un hooligan, probabilmente – giungono solo grazie all’amore di una donna…
Il titolo è forse la citazione di un verso della canzone “Trouble” di Bob Dylan.