Hey Mr Wall Street on the Fiftieth floor,
cant make the payments on your penthouse no more.
Jump you fuckers, jump you fuckers.
Open up the window, check out the view, and jump you fuckers.
You cant take much of what you've been dishing out,
It's your turn to get downsized, what's you're gona do now?
Jump you fuckers, jump you fuckers.
Open up the window, check out the view, and jump you fuckers.
Hey Mr banker with your make believe books,
the bottom line is closer than it looks.
Jump you fuckers, jump you fuckers.
Open up the window, check out the view, and jump you fuckers.
You're good at stealing, and you're good at lying,
Now let's see how good you are at flying.
Jump you fuckers, jump you fuckers.
Open up the window, check out the view, and jump you fuckers.
'Could have had a real job, not blowing bubbles,
there's one sure way for you to stay out of trouble.
Jump you fuckers, jump you fuckers.
Open up the window, check out the view, and jump you fuckers.
Forget your lawyers, and your net worth,
there's one sure way for you to come back to earth.
Jump you fuckers, jump you fuckers.
Open up the window, check out the view, and jump you fuckers.
cant make the payments on your penthouse no more.
Jump you fuckers, jump you fuckers.
Open up the window, check out the view, and jump you fuckers.
You cant take much of what you've been dishing out,
It's your turn to get downsized, what's you're gona do now?
Jump you fuckers, jump you fuckers.
Open up the window, check out the view, and jump you fuckers.
Hey Mr banker with your make believe books,
the bottom line is closer than it looks.
Jump you fuckers, jump you fuckers.
Open up the window, check out the view, and jump you fuckers.
You're good at stealing, and you're good at lying,
Now let's see how good you are at flying.
Jump you fuckers, jump you fuckers.
Open up the window, check out the view, and jump you fuckers.
'Could have had a real job, not blowing bubbles,
there's one sure way for you to stay out of trouble.
Jump you fuckers, jump you fuckers.
Open up the window, check out the view, and jump you fuckers.
Forget your lawyers, and your net worth,
there's one sure way for you to come back to earth.
Jump you fuckers, jump you fuckers.
Open up the window, check out the view, and jump you fuckers.
Contributed by Bartleby - 2011/9/1 - 10:24
Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.
Album “Maybe Nothing's Wrong” del 2009
Certamente quell’attentato, di cui fu ritenuto responsabile un amico di Nicola Sacco e Bartolomeo Vanzetti – tal Mario Buda, romagnolo, che però negò fino alla morte l’addebito - fu una ritorsione particolarmente efferata e scellerata per l’arresto dei due anarchici in seguito giustiziati innocenti e per la persecuzione dello Stato contro gli anarchici, i “sovversivi”, contro gli immigrati, contro i lavoratori organizzati, contro semplicemente chi non ci stava a passare la vita come bestia da soma…
Tuttavia sono certo che oggi non ci sia altro modo per combattere l’iniquità, l’ingiustizia, la povertà, le guerre che stanno stritolando il nostro mondo se non quello di far “saltare” il sistema finanziario che governa e spesso annienta le nostre vite. In che modo non lo so, certo non facendo saltare per aria qualche ignaro passante, però bisogna trovare al più presto il modo di liberarci da chi, seduto su di una poltrona il pelle nera, in un asettico ufficio ai piani alti di qualche anonimo palazzo, nascosto dietro una tastiera, condanna ogni giorno a morte o a una vita di stenti milioni di persone, paesi interi, interi popoli… Discorsi, iniziative, proteste che non vadano in questa direzione sono ormai, a mio avviso, semplicemente inutili, patetiche e ridicole.