La grenade qu’un CRS m’a envoyée
L’autre soir au Quartier m’a beaucoup fait pleurer,
J’ai rejoint en courant la place Edmond-Rostand,
Y’avait des flics partout, et pourtant j’en rosse tant!
Dans la semaine ils mettent leurs petits PV,
Et le vendredi soir relancent nos pavés,
Ces bourreaux, ces SS, qui nous filent des mornifles
Et qu’on attaque sans peur à coups de canif!
Les flics ne cognent jamais de la même façon,
Tout dépend de la fille, tout dépend du garçon,
Moi je suis le polisson du centre Beaujon.
Là j’ai connu un flic que l’on appelle Eugène,
Car sa spécialité c’est la lacrymogène;
Je lui ai dit cent fois: Arrête les crimes, Eugène!
L’autre soir au Quartier m’a beaucoup fait pleurer,
J’ai rejoint en courant la place Edmond-Rostand,
Y’avait des flics partout, et pourtant j’en rosse tant!
Dans la semaine ils mettent leurs petits PV,
Et le vendredi soir relancent nos pavés,
Ces bourreaux, ces SS, qui nous filent des mornifles
Et qu’on attaque sans peur à coups de canif!
Les flics ne cognent jamais de la même façon,
Tout dépend de la fille, tout dépend du garçon,
Moi je suis le polisson du centre Beaujon.
Là j’ai connu un flic que l’on appelle Eugène,
Car sa spécialité c’est la lacrymogène;
Je lui ai dit cent fois: Arrête les crimes, Eugène!
Contributed by Bartleby - 2011/1/5 - 10:26
Language: English
Traduzione inglese di James Matthew Cannon.
The grenade which a riot policeman threw at me
The other day in the Latin Quarter made me cry a lot,
I ran to Edmond-Rostand Square,
There were cops everywhere, but I still beat up heaps of them!
During the week they hand out their little fines,
And on Friday nights they throw back our cobblestones,
Torturers, SS men who clip us over the ear
And who we fearlessly attack with our pocket knives!
Cops never bash the same way twice,
It all depends on the girl or the boy,
I’m the “little rascal” of the Beaujon Centre.
I met a cop there called Eugene
He specialty is tear-gas
I told him time and again, “Stop committing crimes, Eugene!”
The grenade which a riot policeman threw at me
The other day in the Latin Quarter made me cry a lot,
I ran to Edmond-Rostand Square,
There were cops everywhere, but I still beat up heaps of them!
During the week they hand out their little fines,
And on Friday nights they throw back our cobblestones,
Torturers, SS men who clip us over the ear
And who we fearlessly attack with our pocket knives!
Cops never bash the same way twice,
It all depends on the girl or the boy,
I’m the “little rascal” of the Beaujon Centre.
I met a cop there called Eugene
He specialty is tear-gas
I told him time and again, “Stop committing crimes, Eugene!”
Contributed by Bartleby - 2011/1/5 - 10:26
Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.
Testo e relativa traduzione inglese trovati sulla tesi di laurea di James Matthew Cannon, Università di Melbourne, intitolata “Le Zonard déchaîné - The delinquent figure in the early songs of Renaud,
Come Crève salope!, un’altra canzone dal Maggio di Renaud, un sonetto situazionista, un “calembour” (“C.A.L en bourse”, letteralmente “Il Comités d’Action Lycéens quotato in borsa”, divertente ed improbabile fusione di entità antitetiche, il non plus ultra dell’anti-sistema ed il simbolo del capitalismo) contro la violenza poliziesca.
I CRS (compagnie républicaine de sécurité) erano i celerini francesi di allora come anche di oggi... e pure i metodi non sono cambiati, anzi...
La piazza Edmond-Rostand è intitolata al famoso drammaturgo francese, ma qui Renaud vuol fare riferimento a suo figlio Jean Rostand, biologo, agnostico e libertario che fino alla sua morte, avvenuta nel 1977, fu animatore in Francia del movimento contro l’escalation atomica.
Il “centre Beaujon” era una sorta di Bolzaneto nostrana, un centro di smistamento e detenzione dove nel 1968 i poliziotti francesi si accanirono con particolare ferocia sugli studenti arrestati durante gli scontri.