You think your way
Is the best way for all
You don't know everything
You don't know it all
You got respect a man
For the way he feels
You can't make people do things
Against their will
Man of war
Don't go to war no more
Why don't you
Why don't you study peace
Man of war
Don't go to war no more
Study peace
Cause peace is what we need
Just because your army
Gives you strength and might
Truth is gonna win.
Wrong will never conquer right
Every man has the right to
Think and be free
You're like a spoiled brat
You want everything you see
Man of war
Don't go to war no more
Why don't you
Why don't you study peace
Man of war
Don't go to war no more
Study peace
Cause peace is what we need
You think your bombs, guns and planes
Make you a big man
When you invade
Another man's land
Tryin' to make him be
What you want him be
Tryin' to make him do
What you want him do
Tryin' to make him say
What you want him to say
I know there's got to
Be a better way
You think your way
Is the best way for all
You don't know everything
You don't know it all
You got respect a man
For the way that he feels
You can't make people do things
Against their will
Man of war
Don't go to war no more
Why don't you
Why don't you study peace
Man of war
Don't go to war no more
Study peace
Cause peace is what we need
Is the best way for all
You don't know everything
You don't know it all
You got respect a man
For the way he feels
You can't make people do things
Against their will
Man of war
Don't go to war no more
Why don't you
Why don't you study peace
Man of war
Don't go to war no more
Study peace
Cause peace is what we need
Just because your army
Gives you strength and might
Truth is gonna win.
Wrong will never conquer right
Every man has the right to
Think and be free
You're like a spoiled brat
You want everything you see
Man of war
Don't go to war no more
Why don't you
Why don't you study peace
Man of war
Don't go to war no more
Study peace
Cause peace is what we need
You think your bombs, guns and planes
Make you a big man
When you invade
Another man's land
Tryin' to make him be
What you want him be
Tryin' to make him do
What you want him do
Tryin' to make him say
What you want him to say
I know there's got to
Be a better way
You think your way
Is the best way for all
You don't know everything
You don't know it all
You got respect a man
For the way that he feels
You can't make people do things
Against their will
Man of war
Don't go to war no more
Why don't you
Why don't you study peace
Man of war
Don't go to war no more
Study peace
Cause peace is what we need
Contributed by Alienandro - 2010/8/10 - 13:52
Adrianaaa!!! Ho fatto un'iniezione di sedativo ad Alessandro e l'ho messo a nanna per un po'... si agitava troppo... Intanto ho avuto modo di riascoltare la canzone con la splendida voce del grandissimo Maicol Gecson e penso che questo sia il testo corretto da sostituire a quello che ho postato prima... scusa, ma non stavo nella pelle... Un'altra canzone del grande Maicol sul sito delle Canzoni contro la Guerra!!! Incredibbile! Chissà come rosicherà il Venturi...
Alienandro - 2010/8/10 - 14:04
Il Venturi oramai viaggia per altri lidi intergalattici a bordo della Space Beagle di Van Vogt...alla ricerca del terribile alieno che si è impossessato di Alessandro. La sua è una missione molto, molto lunga...e forse aprirà un sito nuovo chiamato Canzoni contro la Terra (Anti-Earth Songs)...
Elliott Grosvenor - 2010/8/11 - 16:36
Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.
Album “Goin' Places”, realizzato quando i Jackson 5 avevano cambiato nome in The Jacksons.
Scritta da Kenneth Gamble e Leon A. Huff
Adrianaaa! Adrianaaaaa!! Adrianaaaaaaa!!! (te lo urlo come Rocky?), cavoli, ci sono riuscito, ho postato una canzone di Maicol Gecson chenonpotreterifiutare!
Chissà come s’incazzerà al suo rientro l’admin cattivo e grosso che ora se la spacchìa in vacanza!
Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi!!! (Stai buono Alessandro, che ora ti slego, tanto ormai è fatta…)