
Συννεφιασμένη Κυριακή

Vasilis Tsitsanis / Βασίλης Τσιτσάνης
Language: Greek (Modern)

Vasilis Tsitsanis / Βασίλης Τσιτσάνης

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(Vassilis Tsitsanis "Vlahos" e Marika Ninou)

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Synnefiasméni Kyriakí
[ca. 1948]
Στίχοι: Βασίλης Τσιτσάνης, Βλάχος & Αλέκος Γκούβερης
Μουσική: Βασίλης Τσιτσάνης, Βλάχος
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Πρόδρομος Τσαουσάκης & Σωτηρία Μπέλλου (Συννεφιασμένη Κυριακή - 1965)
Άλλες ερμηνείες: Μαρίκα Νίνου & Βασίλης Τσιτσάνης, Βλάχος & Γιάννης Σαλασίδης || Στέλιος Καζαντζίδης & Γιώτα Λύδια & Μαρινέλλα || Γιώργος Νταλάρας

Testo di Vassilis Tsitsanis "Vlahos"e Alekos Goùveris
Musica di Vassilis Tsitsanis
Prima esecuzione: Prodromos Tsausakis con Sotiria Bellou - (1965)
Altri interpreti: Marika Ninou con Vassilis Tsitsanis e Yannis Salassidis; Stelios Kazangidis con Yota Lydia e Marinella; Yorgos Dalaras.

Vassilis Tsitsanis

Una canzone che è quasi un inno nazionale, una delle più intrise di "kaimòs", il dolore esistenziale dei Greci. (gpt)
Συννεφιασμένη Κυριακή,
μοιάζεις με την καρδιά μου
που έχει πάντα συννεφιά,
Χριστέ και Παναγιά μου.

Όταν σε βλέπω βροχερή,
στιγμή δεν ησυχάζω.
μαύρη μου κάνεις τη ζωή,
και βαριαναστενάζω.

Είσαι μια μέρα σαν κι αυτή,
που ‘χασα την χαρά μου.
συννεφιασμένη Κυριακή,
ματώνεις την καρδιά μου.

Contributed by Gian Piero Testa - 2010/5/5 - 16:30

Language: Italian

Gian Piero Testa.
Gian Piero Testa.

Versione italiana di Gian Piero Testa

Domenica di nuvole,
tu sembri come il mio cuore
che è sempre rannuvolato,
Cristo e Madonna mia.

Quando ti vedo sotto la pioggia,
non ho un attimo di pace,
mi rendi la vita nera,
e pesantemente sospiro.

Tu sei un giorno come quello,
in cui ho perso la mia gioia,
Domenica di nuvole,
stilli sangue sul mio cuore.

Contributed by Gian Piero Testa - 2010/5/5 - 20:43

Vassilis Tsitsanis wrote – as most people suggest – the song a little after the Greek civil war in 1948. Tsitsanis did not give any details about the incident that inspired this song, but later on, when his biography was published, there was a reference to the way this song was born.

According to Tsitsanis himself, he witnessed an incident in Thessaloniki, while Greece was occupied by the German army in World War 2: three men went to a wall and wrote with paint “Death to Fascism – Freedom”. But before they finished, German soldiers appeared and killed them on the spot. Blood was everywhere…

Tsitsanis with his 2 friends left the area quickly to save their lives. Since then, he was trying to put to words what happened that day.

One  Sunday, while coming back from Salamina, he heard someone saying “what a day, it breaks your heart”. That gave an inspiration to Tsitsanis, who took a small paper out and wrote the first few lyrics of Sinnefiasmeni Kiriaki.

A few years later, another lyric writer, Alekos Gkouveris showed up and claimed the lyrics of Sinnefiasmeni Kiriaki suggesting that he wrote the song one Sunday when his favorite football team , AEL from Larissa, lost a very important game.

Gouveris presented a handwritten note in 2004, stating that he had contributed a paragraph to the lyrics of Sinnefiasmeni Kiriaki, therefore he was claiming the rights at 20%.

The Hellenic Society for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AEPI) has declared Tsitanis as the lyricwriter of Sinnefiasmeni Kiriaki at 80% and Gouveris at 20%.

2018/12/28 - 00:42

Una domenica sovraccarica di dolore e sconforto come quella infame domenica 6 Aprile 1941 in cui i tedeschi sferrarono dalla Jugoslavia e dalla Bulgaria l’attacco per l’invasione e l’occupazione della Grecia, pianificata e attuata con il nome in codice “operazione Marita”. Fu ancora un giorno di domenica , il 27 Aprile 1941, quando le truppe della 5a. Panzer-Division della Wehrmacht entrarono ad Atene ed issarono la bandiera nazista sull’Acropoli.
Una interpretazione particolarmente espressiva , a mio avviso, è quella di Sotiria Bellou, che collaborò a lungo con Vassilis Tsitsanis. Un’altra interpretazione popolare in Grecia è quella di Stelios Kazantzidis. Ne propongo i link nella sezione apposita.

Riccardo Gullotta - 2019/7/30 - 22:32

Language: English

English translation / Μετέφρασε στα αγγλικά / Traduzione inglese / Traduction anglaise
Riccardo Gullotta

Cloudy Sunday,
you look like my heart
that's always cloudy,
Christ and my Virgin Mary.

When I see you in the rain,
I can't rest for a while,
you make my life black,
and I deeply sigh.

You are a day like that
where I lost my joy.
Cloudy Sunday,
you make my heart bleed.

Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta - 2019/7/30 - 22:34

Language: French

Traduction française / Μετέφρασε στα γαλλικά / Traduzione francese /Traduction anglaise
Riccardo Gullotta da La Grèce autrement

Dimanche nuageux,
Tu ressembles à mon coeur,
Où il y a tout le temps des nuages,
Seigneur et ma Sainte Vierge.

Quand je te vois pluvieux,
A aucun moment je me calme
Tu rends ma vie noire
Et je soupire profondément.

Tu es un jour comme aujourd’hui
Où j’ai perdu ma joie
Dimanche nuageux
Tu fais saigner mon cœur.

Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta - 2019/7/30 - 22:45

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