
Freedom is a Constant Struggle

The SNCC Freedom Singers
Langue: anglais

The SNCC Freedom Singers

Liste des versions

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Album “Broadside Ballads, Vol. 3: The Broadside Singers”, Folkways Records.


Una delle canzoni simbolo del Movimento per i Diritti Civili, che da pure il titolo alla seconda delle due raccolte di “freedom songs” (la prima fu “We Shall Overcome”) compilate da Guy e Candie Carawan tra il 1963 e il 1968 e poi unite nel volume “Sing for Freedom: The Story of the Civil Rights Movement Through Its Songs”.
Il brano, interpretato da Julius Lester, si trova anche nella bella raccolta “Freedom Is a Constant Struggle - Songs of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement”.
They say that freedom is a constant struggle
They say that freedom is a constant struggle
They say that freedom is a constant struggle
Oh Lord, we've struggled so long
We must be free, we must be free

They say that freedom is a constant crying
They say that freedom is a constant crying
They say that freedom is a constant crying
Oh Lord, we've cried so long
We must be free, we must be free

They say that freedom is a constant sorrow
They say that freedom is a constant sorrow
They say that freedom is a constant sorrow
Oh Lord, we've sorrowed so long
We must be free, we must be free

They say that freedom is a constant moaning
They say that freedom is a constant moaning
They say that freedom is a constant moaning
Oh Lord, we've moaned so long
We must be free, we must be free

They say that freedom is a constant dying
They say that freedom is a constant dying
They say that freedom is a constant dying
Oh Lord, we've died so long
We must be free, we must be free

envoyé par Alessandro - 6/4/2010 - 09:09

Thanks for your info site, but part of your information is incorrect. By her own account, Bernice Johnson Reagon was NOT the founder of the SNCC Freedom singers. She, Rutha May and Chuck Neblett were recruited to join by Cordell Reagon, who later became her husband!

Reggie Harris - 12/6/2011 - 22:49

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