a statistician studies titian
the hand up his arse is a politician
red-headed women and a disraeli disposition
what lack of vision
i want to kill somebody
hold my hate like a knife to their throats
cut through every muscle
and breake every bone
i want to chop their fucking heads off
and stick them on a stake
that's the extent of my hate
its not that i want them dead
it's just this world would be a better place
if they had never existed
i want to kill somebody
a statistician studies titian
red-headed women and a disraeli dispoistion
what lack of vision
whoever's in power
i'll be the oppisition
i want to kill somebody
so i'm a hyprocrite
cos i don't believe in capital punishment
but here's my paradoxical quip
"the people who prescribe to it are
the people who should subscribe to it"
it's not that i want them dead
its just this world be be a better place
if they never existed
i want to kill somebody
margaret thatcher, jefferey archer,
michael heseltine, john major, virginia bottomeley
especially gill shepherd's got an appauling enemployment record
i want to kill somebody
i want to kill somebody
everbody knows somebody
i want to kill somebody
(don't you?)
i want to kill somebody
i want to kill somebody
i want to kill somebody
the hand up his arse is a politician
red-headed women and a disraeli disposition
what lack of vision
i want to kill somebody
hold my hate like a knife to their throats
cut through every muscle
and breake every bone
i want to chop their fucking heads off
and stick them on a stake
that's the extent of my hate
its not that i want them dead
it's just this world would be a better place
if they had never existed
i want to kill somebody
a statistician studies titian
red-headed women and a disraeli dispoistion
what lack of vision
whoever's in power
i'll be the oppisition
i want to kill somebody
so i'm a hyprocrite
cos i don't believe in capital punishment
but here's my paradoxical quip
"the people who prescribe to it are
the people who should subscribe to it"
it's not that i want them dead
its just this world be be a better place
if they never existed
i want to kill somebody
margaret thatcher, jefferey archer,
michael heseltine, john major, virginia bottomeley
especially gill shepherd's got an appauling enemployment record
i want to kill somebody
i want to kill somebody
everbody knows somebody
i want to kill somebody
(don't you?)
i want to kill somebody
i want to kill somebody
i want to kill somebody
Contributed by Alessandro - 2010/2/1 - 10:57
Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.
Testo trovato qui
Questo singolo degli S*M*A*S*H fu posto in vendita per un giorno soltanto, poi la censura ne decretò il ritiro dai negozi. Raggiunse comunque la posizione n.26 nella UK single chart...
Attualizzerei l'elenco dei personaggi da "far fuori" che gli inglesi S*M*A*S*H facevano nel 1994 con un noto criminale di guerra di casa loro, Tony "Bliar", quella faccia di cazzo dell'ex premier labourista che davanti alla commissione d'inchiesta sulla guerra all'Iraq ha detto: "onestamente, lo rifarei di nuovo" e "ne sento la responsabilità ma non il rimorso"...
"Gli S.M.A.S.H. nella grafica del nome si rifacevano al titolo del famoso film MASH di Robert Altman da cui poi fu tratto un telefilm di grande classe. Tra una lettera del nome e l’altra c’era una stellina. Il gruppo nasce nei primi anni novanta nel bel mezzo del nulla, a Welwyn Garden nell’Hertfordshire. Nel 1994 pubblica il suo primo singolo I WANT TO KILL SOMEBODY, voglio uccidere qualcuno, a cui si oppone il governo conservatore allora in carica arrivando a censurare la canzone. Nonostante questo caso, di quelli che di solito funzionano come boomerang e portano a un’enorme popolarità e simpatia del pubblico, istantaneamente, il gruppo pubblicherà un solo album, SELF ABUSED, qualche altro singolo, e poi si scioglierà." (Matteo Bordone da Dispenser)