
Рiдна мати моя...

The Ukes
Langue: ukrainien

Liste des versions

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(Pavlo Vyshebaba / Павло Вишебаба)
Take Heart
(Glen Hansard)
(The Ukes)

Слова: Андрій Малишко
Музика: Платон Майборода

Lyrics: Andrij Malyshko
Music: Platon Mayboroda
Рідна мати моя,
ти ночей не доспала.
І водила мене
у поля край села,

І в дорогу далеку
ти мене на зорі проводжала
І рушник вишиваний
на щастя дала.
І в дорогу далеку
ти мене на зорі проводжала
І рушник вишиваний
на щастя дала.

Хай на ньому цвіте
росяниста доріжка,
І зелені луги, й солов'їні гаї,
І твоя незрадлива
материнська ласкава усмішка,
І засмучені очі
хороші твої.

Я візьму той рушник,
простелю, наче долю,
В тихім шелесті трав,
в щебетанні дібров.
І на тім рушничкові
оживе все знайоме до болю,
І дитинство, й розлука,
і вірна любов.
І на тім рушничкові
оживе все знайоме до болю,
І дитинство, й розлука,
і вірна любов.

envoyé par giorgio - 27/1/2010 - 08:33

Langue: anglais

English version (non-literal) adaptation by Stepan "Ludwig" Pasicznyk - England 07/2007

From This Page


Dearest mother of mine tell me why you weren't sleeping,
Why you woke me to gaze at the stars up above.
Did you know I was leaving?
Tell me why, was that why you were grieving?

Was the cloth that you gave me a sign of your love?
Did you know I was leaving?
Tell me why, was that why you were grieving?
Was the cloth that you gave me goodbye and a sign of your love?

In my dreams I still see there's a blossoming garden
And a meadow so green with birds full of song
And your smile never leaves me
Through your tears you had said you believed me

When I said I must go but I wouldn't be long
And your smile never leaves me
Through your tears you had said you believed me
Now I live in a far away land and I know I was wrong.

On this cloth I still gaze as my fate is unfolding
You still whisper to me through the grass and the trees
Though your heart was so broken
You insisted on making this token

Of your motherly love so important to me
Though your heart was so broken
You insisted on giving this token
Of your motherly love though you knew what was going to be.

envoyé par giorgio - 27/1/2010 - 08:43

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