
Symphony Of Destruction

Langue: anglais


Liste des versions

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"Symphony Of Destruction" is a song by the American Thrash metal band, Megadeth, off of the band's 1992 double platinum selling album, Countdown to Extinction.

This song is about what happens when you take any living man and put him in control as a leader, and then seeing what the general public reactions are, like as said in the lyrics below of the first verse.

"You take a mortal man, and put him in control. Watch him become a god, watch peoples heads a'roll"

This description is also seen in the music video for the song, as the video constantly depicts protesters protesting against a new leader, and even shows the leader being assassinated.

This song is also about military dictatorship.

The song was covered by melodic death metal band Arch Enemy for a Kerrang! CD entitled "High Voltage! A brief history of rock" which featured modern bands set to define rock music for the next 25 years playing covers of bands that influenced them.

The song has also been covered by Paul Di'Anno for his compilation album The Living Dead, Nightwish (only live), Alghazanth and Fury. This song will also be covered by J Unfortunate on his upcoming album No Life Til Liver.

A cover version of the song is featured in the Playstation 2 video game Guitar Hero.

Another remix version by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails was released on a CD-Maxi Single. The remix is entitled "The Gristle Mix" .

You take a mortal man,
And put him in control
Watch him become a god
Watch peoples heads a'roll

Just like the Pied Piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the Symphony ...
Of Destruction

Acting like a robot
Its metal brain corrodes
You try to take its pulse
Before the head explodes

The earth starts to rumble
World powers fall
A'warring for the heavens
A peaceful man stands tall

Langue: italien

Versione italiana

Prendi un mortale
E lo metti sotto controllo
Guardalo diventare un dio
Guarda le teste della gente roteare...

Proprio come il pifferaio magico
Conduceva i ratti per le strade
Noi balliamo come marionette
Ondeggiando alla sinfonia di distruzione

Agisci come un robot
Il suo cervello di metallo corrode
Cerchi di stare al tempo della sua pulsazione
Prima che la testa esploda

La terra inizia a tremare
I poteri del mondo crollano
Un guerriero per i cieli
Un uomo pacifico si erge alto

envoyé par



4/1/2008 - 15:56

Langue: italien

Versione italiana di salvo

Prendi un mortale
e dagli il potere
aspetta che diventi un dio
e guarda come ondeggiano le teste della gente

Proprio come il pifferaio magico
conduceva i ratti per le strade
noi danziamo come marionette
seguendo la sinfonia della distruzione

Muovendoci come robot
con il cervello di metallo corroso
cerchiamo di sentirci il polso
prima che la testa esploda

La terra inizia a tremare
le potenze mondiali crollano
lottando per il paradiso
l'uomo pacifico trionfa

envoyé par salvo - 19/3/2010 - 12:07

Mi piacerebbe sapere cosa ne pesate della mia traduzione. Non credo sia meglio o peggio di altre ma è solo un'altra versione. Come succede nel tradurre nessuno ne ha una giusta.


salvo - 19/3/2010 - 12:15

Langue: français

Version française – SYMPHONIE DE LA DESTRUCTION – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
à partir des versions italiennes et anglaise.
Chanson étazunienne – Symphony Of Destruction – Megadeth – 1992

Prenez un mortel
Et mettez-le aux commandes
Attendez qu'il devienne un dieu
Regardez rouler les têtes des gens
Des gens...

Comme le joueur de flûte
Conduisait les rats par les rues
Nous, nous dansons comme des marionnettes
Ondoyant à la symphonie
De la destruction.

Agissant comme des robots
Au cerveau de métal corrodé
Vous cherchez à prendre son pouls
Avant que sa tête n'explose

La terre commence à trembler
Les grandes puissances s'effondrent
Et dans la guerre pour les cieux
Un homme pacifique se dresse

envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. - 20/3/2010 - 09:43

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