
The Thresher Disaster

Tom Paxton
Langue: anglais

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Una canzone mai pubblicata il cui testo è incluso in "Ramblin' Boy and other songs by Tom Paxton", il primo song book di Paxton (Oak Publications, 1964)
Testo trovato su The Mudcat Café

La USS Thresher era un sommergibile nucleare statunitense, classe 1958. Il 10 aprile 1963, mentre stave effettuando dei test ad alta profondità al largo di Cape Cod, Massachusetts, il sottomarino implose improvvisamente. Tutti i 129 membri dell'equipaggio morirono all'istante.
Oh we had a submarine,
She was mighty fast and lean,
And she ran by atomic power, too.
And although she was the best,
They had one more diving test
So the Thresher could show what she could do.

And she's gone, gone, gone, to the bottom of the sea,
And she's two hundred miles from the shore
It was just a diving test,
But they laid her there to rest
On the cold and lonesome ocean floor.

Now those boys were still alive
When she started in to dive
For she radioed that she was goin, down
What went wrong we cannot say
But it was later on that day
That the flotsam and the oil slick were found.

And she's gone, gone, gone, to the bottom of the sea,
And she's two hundred miles from the shore
It was just a diving test,
But they laid her there to rest
On the cold and lonesome ocean floor.

Although none of them was mine
We lost a hundred twenty-nine
And I feel just like I lost a friend
And sit and wonder why
Those poor sailors had to die
And I wonder why this killin's gonna end.

envoyé par Alessandro - 25/5/2009 - 13:36

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