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Autore Martin Carthy

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The Eighteenth of June or Poor Boney

The Eighteenth of June <i>or</i> Poor Boney
La canzone si riferisce alla sconfitta di Napoleone a Waterloo il 18 giugno 1815. E' stata interpretata da Norma Waterson con il titolo Poor Boney e da Martin Carthy con il titolo The Eighteenth of June

Testo cantato da Norma Waterson ripreso da Mainly Norfolk: English Folk and Other Good Music. Vedi anche FolkWorld #57: Songs That Made History
All you people who live at home easy
18/12/2020 - 18:20
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Polly on the Shore

Polly on the Shore
LA versione più bella è quella dei Trees, gruppo inglese dei primi anni 70, cantata magistralmente da Celia Humphris.
ANdrea 26/1/2018 - 10:06

The Green Fields of England

The Green Fields of England
The Transports

This unique project relates the true story of Henry Cabell and Susannah Holmes, convicts transported to Australia on the “First Fleet” in 1787 and the trials and tribulations which culminated in that historic voyage. The tale is presented as a cycle of new compositions in the idiom of traditional English folk song, linked by narrative passages in the style and to the melodies of broadsheet ballads of the time. The orchestral passages and arrangements for the accompanied songs have been conveived in such a way as to underline the overall feeling of “period” and the instruments used are those likely to have been heard in the church bands or “quires” of East Anglian villages in those days. The singers have been chosen from the front rank of the English folk song revival, and the melodies composed to suit their individual style. A detailed account of the historical background... (continua)
Farewell to our lovers and our kind relations,
inviata da Dq82 4/1/2018 - 15:16

The Humane Turnkey

The Humane Turnkey
The Transports

This unique project relates the true story of Henry Cabell and Susannah Holmes, convicts transported to Australia on the “First Fleet” in 1787 and the trials and tribulations which culminated in that historic voyage. The tale is presented as a cycle of new compositions in the idiom of traditional English folk song, linked by narrative passages in the style and to the melodies of broadsheet ballads of the time. The orchestral passages and arrangements for the accompanied songs have been conveived in such a way as to underline the overall feeling of “period” and the instruments used are those likely to have been heard in the church bands or “quires” of East Anglian villages in those days. The singers have been chosen from the front rank of the English folk song revival, and the melodies composed to suit their individual style. A detailed account of the historical background... (continua)
Part 1
inviata da Dq82 4/1/2018 - 15:08

The Ballad of Henry and Susannah

The Ballad of Henry and Susannah
The Transports

This unique project relates the true story of Henry Cabell and Susannah Holmes, convicts transported to Australia on the “First Fleet” in 1787 and the trials and tribulations which culminated in that historic voyage. The tale is presented as a cycle of new compositions in the idiom of traditional English folk song, linked by narrative passages in the style and to the melodies of broadsheet ballads of the time. The orchestral passages and arrangements for the accompanied songs have been conveived in such a way as to underline the overall feeling of “period” and the instruments used are those likely to have been heard in the church bands or “quires” of East Anglian villages in those days. The singers have been chosen from the front rank of the English folk song revival, and the melodies composed to suit their individual style. A detailed account of the historical background... (continua)
Part 1
inviata da Dq82 4/1/2018 - 14:46
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The Nightingale

The Nightingale
[XVIII° secolo]
Una shanty & love ballad settecentesca, classificata al n. 1093 delle Bodleian Libraries. Qui le date dei riscontri sono tutte ottocentesche ma The Nightingale è stato sicuramente il nome di una nave da guerra inglese impiegata contro i francesi negli ultimi due decenni del 700, durante la guerra d'indipendenza americana o le guerre rivoluzionarie.

Testo trovato su Mainly Norfolk: English Folk and Other Good Music, come interpretato da Eliza Carthy e Norma Waterson, rispettivamente figlia e moglie di Martin Carthy, nel loro album "Gift" del 2010.
In precedenza la canzone è stata incisa anche da Cyril Tawney, da The Clancy Brothers con Louis Killen, Frankie Armstrong e altri.

Una storia di amore impossibile, di sopruso e di guerra.
Un giovane contadino s'innamora, ricambiato, di una ragazza di famiglia benestante. I genitori di lei non solo osteggiano la relazione... (continua)
Both young and old, I pray lend an ear
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 1/1/2018 - 16:44
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Maid on the Shore

Maid on the Shore
[prima metà dell'800, ma forse ben più antica]
Quello che riporto è il testo della versione della grandissima Frankie Armstrong, dal suo "Lovely on the Water" del 1972, di una delle canzoni tradizionali inglesi più femministe di sempre, al pari di The Crafty Maid's Policy, Lady Maisry, Wreccan wifes ged [The Wife's Lament; The Wife's Complaint] e altre già presenti sul sito.

"Maid on the Shore", o "The Mermaid", è stata incisa anche da A.L. Lloyd, Peggy Seeger, Martin Carthy, Stan Rogers, Cyril Tawney e molti altri artisti
Testo trovato su Mainly Norfolk: English Folk and Other Good Music

Anche questo un bel racconto di riscossa e vendetta femminile contro la meschinità e la brutalità maschili. La ragazza sulla spiaggia – quasi certamente una sirena – accetta docilmente di essere trasportata a bordo della nave di un grezzo capitano, uno che mastica e sputa tabacco e che la saluta senza... (continua)
Well it's of a sea captain who sailed the salt sea
inviata da Bernart Bartleby 30/12/2017 - 23:43

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